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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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tOSU had 301 total yards and couldnt run the ball because Toledo stacked the box and dared JB to beat them......which is a great gameplan and it will be followed by all the teams we are playing against. Take the strength away from us and how do we respond. Got very lucky to beat Todedo.....thnx Chris Fields for the special teams TD....and a solid defense.

AA Hampton had 332 total yards against Toledo week 1.....funny how a 1AA team can outgain a top 10 program like tOSU.

LF has to fix the offense and I am not so sure he is equipped to do so. It hasnt helped that Hall is out but not developing BM any against Toledo was a huge mistake....imho. I didnt like the playing calling against Toledo and rarely do I against a solid opponent.....playing not to lose gets really old. Again how many times are you going to win against an 8 man front daring you to pass. I hope LF is proactive and makes some major adjustments for the Miami game. There is no way we can repeat this offensive performance and beat Miami. Go Bucks
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BUCKYLE;1988727; said:
The Buckeyes won. Fick did his job. Keep it up, coach. There are some Buckeye fans that don't think they know more about football than you.

This. When your top three tailbacks are out (or just returning, in the case of JBerry), when your top WR is out, your LT is out, your formerly all-world QB is riding the bench in Oakland, and you're up against a spread team with two more DBs missing, then a win is a win.

There are a lot of missing pieces right now, and a lot of Freshmen, redshirt Freshmen and Sophomores are playing. We have a first-time head coach who has been on the job for mere months. This is a tough situation, and as fans we should value every win.
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He won but we are Ohio State and we're going to over-anaylize everything. We're going to give him more credit than is due in some instances and less in others. That's what comes with being the HC at a place like Ohio State.
We expect to win against top teams. When we barely squeak by teams like Toledo, albeit an overachieving team of solid athletes and great coaches, we're going to get nervous. We're going to point at this and that and bitch about this and that. Some of it warranted, some of it not. But I don't want to see people point to a win and think all is well all the time. We've seen this before in 08 barely getting past OU then getting clobbered the next week in SoCal. We have reason to be concerned.

I think Luke is the right guy for the job. I really do. I think a lot of us need to remember that we were missing Jordan Hall, who I think is the BEST player on the team. We're without our LT, we're without our best receiver, and a slew of other guys. Oh yeah, and our 1000 yard rushing back. Luke has got to get these guys ready because we're gonna see some top grade athletes this week and despite the criticism Jacory Harris has received on this board, he's been starting in that system for 3 full years and a guy like that brings a lot to the table. Color me concerned.
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southcampus;1988851; said:
He won but we are Ohio State and we're going to over-anaylize everything. We're going to give him more credit than is due in some instances and less in others. That's what comes with being the HC at a place like Ohio State.
We expect to win against top teams. When we barely squeak by teams like Toledo, albeit an overachieving team of solid athletes and great coaches, we're going to get nervous. We're going to point at this and that and bitch about this and that. Some of it warranted, some of it not. But I don't want to see people point to a win and think all is well all the time. We've seen this before in 08 barely getting past OU then getting clobbered the next week in SoCal. We have reason to be concerned.

I think Luke is the right guy for the job. I really do. I think a lot of us need to remember that we were missing Jordan Hall, who I think is the BEST player on the team. We're without our LT, we're without our best receiver, and a slew of other guys. Oh yeah, and our 1000 yard rushing back. Luke has got to get these guys ready because we're gonna see some top grade athletes this week and despite the criticism Jacory Harris has received on this board, he's been starting in that system for 3 full years and a guy like that brings a lot to the table. Color me concerned.
I agree with everything but the red text, and I don't disagree with that; I just don't feel ready to say he's the right guy. Way too early to say that IMO. But every one of us has his own IMO. :atom:
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MaxBuck;1988861; said:
I agree with everything but the red text, and I don't disagree with that; I just don't feel ready to say he's the right guy. Way too early to say that IMO. But every one of us has his own IMO. :atom:

I guess I'd just like to believe he's the right guy for the job. I love his attitude and his Buckeye roots. I think he has all the tools to be the right guy for the job, which is all I could say about any other well qualified candidate not named James Patrick Tressel, THE guy for THE Ohio State University.
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BuckeyeGuy513;1989110; said:
I hope at the very least he is a part of the staff for a long time, very good guy. We need to establish a foundation soon, 2013 class were missing out on some locals. Go Bucks!

He's at the point of no return. He's either going to be HC or nothing for Ohio State. He would never take a lesser role after this season.
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I love Luke...he's a great Buckeye for sure...I just dont want a head coach to be learning on the job, and i feel that will be the case for the next few years.

I hope he and the staff were hiding the playbook for the Miami game. IMO Braxton could have pulled that game plan off just as well as Joe.

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Taosman;1989226; said:
Are Buckeye fans one ugly loss away from wanting LF's head?
Sadly, I think with the spector of Urban Meyer still hanging out there that's a real possibility.

Yes. I think it has already started because we didn't blow out Toledo... I was happy to see a close game, to see what he would do.

He still has a long way to go and hope he keeps the job and maybe hires a former HC for one of the position coaches to help him and give him some guidance.
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cbrian815;1988698; said:
tOSU had 301 total yards and couldnt run the ball because Toledo stacked the box and dared JB to beat them......which is a great gameplan and it will be followed by all the teams we are playing against. Take the strength away from us and how do we respond. Got very lucky to beat Todedo.....thnx Chris Fields for the special teams TD....and a solid defense.

AA Hampton had 332 total yards against Toledo week 1.....funny how a 1AA team can outgain a top 10 program like tOSU.

LF has to fix the offense and I am not so sure he is equipped to do so. It hasnt helped that Hall is out but not developing BM any against Toledo was a huge mistake....imho. I didnt like the playing calling against Toledo and rarely do I against a solid opponent.....playing not to lose gets really old. Again how many times are you going to win against an 8 man front daring you to pass. I hope LF is proactive and makes some major adjustments for the Miami game. There is no way we can repeat this offensive performance and beat Miami. Go Bucks

I'm sure I can pull stats from Ohio's 2008 schedule that made OSU look bad too. I seem to remember another freshman QB not getting any playing time. That season ended up going pretty well after that game. (thank goodness that Miami =/= USC)

Cincinnatibuck;1989277; said:
Read somewhere that there was 21 scholarship players (scholarship at time that spring ball started) that were not dressed for the Toledo game.

Not sure about that total, but I counted 8.5 players from the 2 deep gone after the game on Saturday- Adams, Boom, Thomas, Posey, Howard, Hall, Williams, Linsley and 1/2 Philly. So we were missing 15-20% of our two deep, actually an improvement over the previous week. So that in of itself shows how much better this team can get.
I can't get to 21, but in additional losses to the roster included: Pittsburgh Brown, Pryor, Bell, Newsome, James Louis, McVey, Evenge and Crowell.
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