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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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OhioExile;1990783; said:
I would much rather a coach prove himself worthy at the University of Toledo or BGSU personally...we weren't given much of a choice with the position were in this spring though.

There's a good chart in another thread that correlates success at a BCS program with already having been an assistant at a BCS program. What does not correlate is success in the MAC or other non-BCS conference with BCS success. For every Urban Meyer, there are five guys like Dan Hawkins who blow up, or a Brian Kelly who looks more and more like a guy who can't handle the big spotlight.

Florida just hired a guy who has never been a head coach. Auburn won a title with a guy who had a cup of coffee in Ames. Nebraska is righting the ship with a guy who again had only been a d-coordinator. Many of the best ones never fall out of the BCS conferences.

You may feel smug that a guy has "proven himself worthy" at a lesser school, as I am sure the folks in Ann Arbor did, but that doesn't mean he can hack it in the big leagues. An experienced assistant DOES know what it takes to recruit and get the job done at this level.
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BrutusBobcat;1991006; said:
There's a good chart in another thread that correlates success at a BCS program with already having been an assistant at a BCS program. What does not correlate is success in the MAC or other non-BCS conference with BCS success. For every Urban Meyer, there are five guys like Dan Hawkins who blow up, or a Brian Kelly who looks more and more like a guy who can't handle the big spotlight.

Florida just hired a guy who has never been a head coach. Auburn won a title with a guy who had a cup of coffee in Ames. Nebraska is righting the ship with a guy who again had only been a d-coordinator. Many of the best ones never fall out of the BCS conferences.

You may feel smug that a guy has "proven himself worthy" at a lesser school, as I am sure the folks in Ann Arbor did, but that doesn't mean he can hack it in the big leagues. An experienced assistant DOES know what it takes to recruit and get the job done at this level.

Bu-bu-but...UC is Ohio's BCS Team!!!!!11!1!1!!!!111
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OhioExile;1990783; said:
I would much rather a coach prove himself worthy at the University of Toledo or BGSU personally...we weren't given much of a choice with the position were in this spring though.

I would much rather have a coach who loves this program more than life be our coach right now. I'm not sure that anyone from the outside could even begin to fit that bill. Fick is the right man to get this program through the issues and to lead that team on the field.

A win is a win this year. I trust the current staff will get us more wins, under the circumstances, than any other staff that could be assembled. Frankly, that's what it comes down to... Who else do you put there that could generate incrementally more wins than this staff? I propose that there is no one.
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sparcboxbuck;1991222; said:
I would much rather have a coach who loves this program more than life be our coach right now. I'm not sure that anyone from the outside could even begin to fit that bill. Fick is the right man to get this program through the issues and to lead that team on the field.

Agreed. My only hope for Coach Fickell is that he puts his own stamp on being the head coach at OSU and not try to re-create the Tressel era. It's obviously going to take him time to do so and I hope that our fanbase (including myself to a lesser extent) has the patience that will be needed for him to find himself as a head coach.
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buckeyebri;1991291; said:
I don't know why I do this to myself, but every once in awhile I go over to see the asininity on Bucknuts....

The number of people calling for Luke's head after a 2-0 start is unreal....

Fact 1: Jim Tressel was 7-5 in his first season at Ohio State. The losses were to UCLA (we couldn't even kick an XP, let alone a FG), Wisconsin, a TERRIBLE Penn State team, Illinois, and South Carolina.
Fact 2: Jim Tressel was 1-1 after his first two games at Ohio State. This is a worse record than Fick's first two games...
Fact 3: Fickell would need to only win 5 of the next 10 games to match Tressel's first 12 games. (I'm betting Fickell will be better than that).
Fact 4: If Fickell continues to have a better record than Jim Tressel throughout his career, Buckeye Nation will crown him King of all Buckeye Righteousness. THAT IS A FACT.
Fact 5: No posters on Bucknuts are able to put things into this perspective because they are immature little teenagers who don't remember the 2001 season and aren't true Buckeye fans.

Can't argue with facts.
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Yertle;1991740; said:
Fact 1: Jim Tressel was 7-5 in his first season at Ohio State. The losses were to UCLA (we couldn't even kick an XP, let alone a FG), Wisconsin, a TERRIBLE Penn State team, Illinois, and South Carolina.
He also beat Michigan which the former coach could not do.

Yertle;1991740; said:
Fact 2: Jim Tressel was 1-1 after his first two games at Ohio State. This is a worse record than Fick's first two games...

Yertle;1991740; said:
Fact 3: Fickell would need to only win 5 of the next 10 games to match Tressel's first 12 games. (I'm betting Fickell will be better than that).
Lets not try to predict the future if you are starting this line with "Fact".

Yertle;1991740; said:
Fact 4: If Fickell continues to have a better record than Jim Tressel throughout his career, Buckeye Nation will crown him King of all Buckeye Righteousness. THAT IS A FACT.
See Fact #3 reply.

Yertle;1991740; said:
Fact 5: No posters on Bucknuts are able to put things into this perspective because they are immature little teenagers who don't remember the 2001 season and aren't true Buckeye fans.
STFU. I had to endure the John Cooper years so do not tell me I can not put things into perspective. Plus I have been out of my teenage years for quite a while.

The fact is this, Tressel took over a team that the two previous seasons were 6-6 and 8-4 with losses to Michigan in both years. His record the first year was similar with Coops plus he beat Michigan. That would be an improvement. Fickell is following years where OSU had one and two loses with Rose and Sugar bowl wins. The bar is set pretty high now.

Put me in the "wait and see" group with Fickell. I think he could be a great coach. I want to see him coach a few years and put a coaching staff together himself. I would like see who he would choose as an offensive coordinator.
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I am not going to argue with the fact that you just saved me thousands of dollar as I was about to go back to college and re-take my algebra classes.

Yertle;1991740; said:
Fact 2: Jim Tressel was 1-1 after his first two games at Ohio State. This is a worse record than Fick's first two games...

Can't argue with facts.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1991751; said:
Fickell is following years where OSU had one and two loses with Rose and Sugar bowl wins.

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Buckeyefrankmp;1991751; said:
STFU. I had to endure the John Cooper years so do not tell me I can not put things into perspective.

I resided in Michigan during the John Cooper years and watched us get waxed at the pisshouse 20-0 when we were undefeated...so what's your point.

My point is people need to STFU and give Fickell an opportunity. To start whining at this point in time and say we need to get rid of Fick is absolutely absurd.

With some of the comments and threads on Bucknuts relative to the coaches and the players (particularly Baus) I wonder why anyone would want to coach for or play at tOSU....
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buckeyebri;1991784; said:
I resided in Michigan during the John Cooper years and watched us get waxed at the pisshouse 20-0 when we were undefeated...so what's your point.

I was replying to the posters comment that people on this board do not remember the 2001 season. My point was that I remember further than the 2002. I remember his first five years where he averaged about 4 losses and 0 bowl wins. I understand that this team might have a 3 loss season this year. If that does happen we should not be so quick to call for the firing of Fickell just because we think we can get someone better. We just might have someone better right now.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1991751; said:
STFU. I had to endure the John Cooper years so do not tell me I can not put things into perspective. Plus I have been out of my teenage years for quite a while.

Did you just tell me to shut the fuck up because I made a negative reference to Bucknuts posters? DID YOU, bitch? HA! It's past your bedtime. Go away. Bucknuts is calling.
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