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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

It came out -- I don't know if true -- but how could Coach Fickell not know he was going to take questions and it was going to be held like a press conference?

Wouldn't Jerry Emig coach him up prior to Media Day and/or inform him it was a press conference? Either that or I thought he'd have known from the previous Media Days that Coach Tressel went to Chicago.

Seems weird, but he handled the situation in stride.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M2co5mqszI"]‪Luke Fickell Speaks at B1G Media Days‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_YI0rg-nvw"]‪Fickell, Johnson, Sweat and Brewster Do the TV Interview Cirtuit (Part One)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnhPV9NZp-Y"]‪Fickell, Johnson, Sweat and Brewster Do the TV Interview Cirtuit (Part Two)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=898UR2Vmjn0"]‪Ohio State Coach Luke Fickell‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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marcushartman Marcus Hartman

And this might have been a slip of the tongue, but Fickell said he hopes Braxton Miller shows he is ready to handle playing as a frosh QB

Marcus is putting up a lot of live updates from Chicago...
I heard this as well and it caught my ears. He said something to the effect of "It's a good thing we have so many talented RB's on the roster because we are gonna need them to help out our young QB.

Obviously this could mean a lot of things but it was right after a question and answer about Braxton.
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korchiki;1961063; said:
I heard this as well and it caught my ears. He said something to the effect of "It's a good thing we have so many talented RB's on the roster because we are gonna need them to help out our young QB.

Obviously this could mean a lot of things but it was right after a question and answer about Braxton.

That very answer made me think the first question was set-up ahead of time. The first question was about the QBs, and he said that "we have a 25-year-old senior and an 18-year-old freshman and everything in between, but we consider them all young guys" (emphasis mine - for context only). The very next question was about the running backs where he said the above quoted by korchiki. It was as if the first question/answer pre-emptively addressed any speculation caused by the second answer.
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I heard this as well and it caught my ears. He said something to the effect of "It's a good thing we have so many talented RB's on the roster because we are gonna need them to help out our young QB.

Obviously this could mean a lot of things but it was right after a question and answer about Braxton.
In the presser he defined all 4 QB's as "our young QB." I don't think he's letting us read anything into it.
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CHICAGO -- On a late Friday night nearly two weeks after he had been named Ohio State's emergency head coach, Luke Fickell decided it was time. Time to cut the football umbilical cord between him and the man and mentor he replaced.
[+] EnlargeJerry Lai/US PresswireLuke Fickell doesn't know what comes after this season. He's concentrating on this season.

So at 11 p.m. in the all-but-deserted Woody Hayes Athletic Center, Fickell reluctantly entered his new office. He slid manila folders under the legs of the heavy desk and bull-rushed it across the floor. He rearranged the chairs, moving them to the other side of the room. He angled the remaining furniture just so.
"It was something I had to do," Fickell says.
In that moment of late-night interior decorating, Jim Tressel's office became Fickell's. The awkward transition was complete.
"I have the utmost respect for Coach Tressel," says Fickell, who was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, played for Ohio State and later spent nine years on Tressel's staff as an assistant. "I can honestly say he made me better in every aspect of my life."
But this is Fickell's program now because Tressel failed to practice what he often preached. Tressel's swift and spectacular free fall leaves Ohio State with a 37-year-old, first-time head coach who always thought he'd be an Olympic wrestler, a doctor or optometrist, not the caretaker of Buckeye Nation.

Good article form the site-who-shall-not-be-visited.
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Jaxbuck;1960584; said:
The OSU coach may have changed but my desire to see them snap into a Rick Flair monologue and call out the other coaches remains. It would have been funnier with Tressel but I'd still pay big money to watch it with Fickell.

"Bielema, Bielema, get out here boy! I was a better wrestler than you, a better football player than you and I'm already a better coach than you! Woooh!"

LF should come out at his next press meeting wearing a Scarlet & Grey Nature Boy-like robe and say, "To be THE team, you gotta beat THE team! WOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"

Meanwhile, the fans gather around him like the Four Horsemen and beat the living shit out of the espn reporter(s) and any other reporter that talked shit about tOSU with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!
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LovelandBuckeye;1961851; said:
LF should come out at his next press meeting wearing a Scarlet & Grey Nature Boy-like robe and say, "To be THE team, you gotta beat THE team! WOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"

Meanwhile, the fans gather around him like the Four Horsemen and beat the living [Mark May] out of the espn reporter(s) and any other reporter that talked [Mark May] about tOSU with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!

Jax would wail like a teenage girl seeing Bieber...
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