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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

ive come to the realization of what id like this season. regardless the outcome i have a few goals:

1) play with your hair on fire every play-this means play your ass off, play every play like it is your last play.
2)act off the field in a manner in which makes the university, alum, and state proud-simple no off the field issues
3)make hitch proud, play a rugged, mean, fast, hard hitting, physical, dying breed type of game, dont die on the vine and step on throats.http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/other-osu-professional-sports/610499-hitchionary.html
4)approach every game like bobby bowden/early big ten joepa. run up every score, try and hang a hundred on everyone, go for two since you cant go for three...
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calibuck;1950500; said:
Getting too old for this [Mark May]. Let's go back to wearing a coat and tie on airplanes, having female attendants in hot pants and go-go boots, and 50 cent beers......waddya say Buckyle?

Here, here. It's about time this country got back on the right track, and the first step in that 10,000 mile journey is to bring back the Sexy Stews.

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Here's what I would like this coming year.
1) No turnovers by the Buckeyes in their games so fans can't blame those for any lost games.
2) The Buckeyes to play as hard and as well as possible, but still lose some tough games so fans won't say that since they don't have a post-season to play for the players aren't as motivated. Play well and hard...still lose some tough games though.
3) Fickell and the rest of the coaching staff to have great game plans, game management...yet still the Buckeyes lose some games. So fans can't blame the season losses on 'not' having Tressel.

I guess what I want is NO EXCUSES from Buckeye fans this year even though the Buckeyes will probably lose some games. I'm not going to guess how many they'll lose. Just that odds are they will.

Stay classy OSU fans. Don't make any excuses if the Buckeyes lose some games. You'll get a new coach after this year is over and you can start over again with a different coaching staff.
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dlrn64;1951985; said:
Here's what I would like this coming year.
1) No turnovers by the Buckeyes in their games so fans can't blame those for any lost games.
2) The Buckeyes to play as hard and as well as possible, but still lose some tough games so fans won't say that since they don't have a post-season to play for the players aren't as motivated. Play well and hard...still lose some tough games though.
3) Fickell and the rest of the coaching staff to have great game plans, game management...yet still the Buckeyes lose some games. So fans can't blame the season losses on 'not' having Tressel.

I guess what I want is NO EXCUSES from Buckeye fans this year even though the Buckeyes will probably lose some games. I'm not going to guess how many they'll lose. Just that odds are they will.

Stay classy OSU fans. Don't make any excuses if the Buckeyes lose some games. You'll get a new coach after this year is over and you can start over again with a different coaching staff.

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GeorgiaBuck2;1951994; said:
What team is this guy a fan of, or is he just a very delusional so called "OSU fan"?

I think he is a cornhusker fan. One of his first posts say that tOSU will lose twice to them. Once in lincoln and once in the big ten title game.
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I think he is a cornhusker fan. One of his first posts say that tOSU will lose twice to them. Once in lincoln and once in the big ten title game.
though, that is the toughest game on the schedule. and i wonder how many would sign up to roll the dice in the conference championship game with the situation as it sits now? id take 60 minutes of football to play (or get denied due to ncaa penalties) for a bcs bid...
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Rob Oller commentary: Friends who join forces can produce great results
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
By Rob Oller

Anyone who has worked side by side with a buddy on a home improvement project knows that Ohio State football coach Luke Fickell and new linebackers coach Mike Vrabel will have their run-ins.

That's just what best friends do. But the end result is worth the aggravation of putting up with each other's annoying quirks and stubborn streaks. At the end of the day, the job gets done better because of that close friendship, not in spite of it. Who else but a bud-like-a-brother can tell you to shut up and measure twice before cutting?

On that basis, I was not alarmed when Ohio State made it official yesterday that Vrabel, 35, was joining Fickell's staff as linebackers coach. It's smart to bring in a three-time Super Bowl winner (for recruiting) who played for two likely Hall of Fame coaches in Bill Belichick and Bill Cowher (perspective).

Fickell and Vrabel go way back, to when Fickell was an OSU freshman who helped recruit Vrabel out of Cuyahoga Falls Walsh Jesuit High School. They became roommates. Fickell was the four-year starter at nose tackle, Vrabel the sack-happy defensive end. Fans often confused the two.

Fickell entered coaching right after leaving Ohio State. Pittsburgh took Vrabel in the third round of the 1997 NFL draft and the friendship has never waned during Vrabel's 14-year career with the Steelers, New England Patriots and Kansas City Chiefs.

Neither did the honesty that came with it.

"We can go back a lot of years and Luke and I have never had an issue with telling each other how we felt, whether that be at 3 o'clock in the morning or 7 o'clock in the morning at a workout," Vrabel said. "So if he tells me to coach the guys a certain way I'm going to coach the guys how the head coach wants it. I'll have ideas that I've learned through my years of playing. He may like them and he may not. That's his decision to make."


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OH HS state finals of Luke Fickell destroying future UM footballer Ray Edmonds:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp3tdN4-bCw"]YouTube - ‪Luke Fickell (DeSales) v. Ray Edmonds (Hoban)‬‏[/ame]
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jlb1705;1950467; said:
Hard to believe we've gone from a head coach in a sweater vest to a head coach wearing a d-bag Affliction shirt.

At Ohio State, even our head coach's t-shirts have tattoos.

jlb1705;1952289; said:
And yet you say his shirt is something a d-bag would wear? Just asking for trouble, pal. :p
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