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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

osugrad21;1961900; said:
Jax would wail like a teenage girl seeing Bieber...

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Tresselball 2.0


Coach Tressel's time on the sidelines is over, but that doesn't mean we have witnessed the end of Tresselball in Columbus.

In a perfect world, Coach Fickell will take up Tressel's torch by building on his proven and successful coaching philosophies.

At the same time, by infusing his characteristic aggressiveness into the offense, Fickell can minimize some of the most frustrating aspects of the old system.

Tresselball may not be dead, but it certainly won't be the same in the hands of a new personality.


Continue reading: http://www.thebuckeyebattlecry.com/2011/07/tresselball-2-0/
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Watching the Big Ten Kickoff Luncheon on BTN today, is Coach Fickell thinning up top or is it the hair gel?

I don't know why that popped in my head during his interview with Revsine, DiNardo and Griffith.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uw4isT8sdQ"]‪Luke Fickell Meets with the Press‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLmNREmrVq4"]‪Luke Fickell Post Practice Media Interview‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7V4xc063SE"]‪Fickell Era Begins‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Anyone else feeling the momentum Fickell is building right now??

The 2013 class already has some juice behind it, Fickell has snagged 2 former NFL players as assistant coaches, and we're finally into practice.

Once the games start, look out. The only issue I see with players committing now, is it takes up room for the guys who come crawling back wanting on the tOSU train.
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billmac91;1966735; said:
Anyone else feeling the momentum Fickell is building right now??

The 2013 class already has some juice behind it, Fickell has snagged 2 former NFL players as assistant coaches, and we're finally into practice.

Once the games start, look out. The only issue I see with players committing now, is it takes up room for the guys who come crawling back wanting on the tOSU train.

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