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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

Anyone else feeling the momentum Fickell is building right now??

The 2013 class already has some juice behind it, Fickell has snagged 2 former NFL players as assistant coaches, and we're finally into practice.

Once the games start, look out. The only issue I see with players committing now, is it takes up room for the guys who come crawling back wanting on the tOSU train.
Who is the second after Vrabel?
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I would assume if all goes well he is the heir apparent for line coach? Not sure how I feel about all of these coaches with no experience but do love the youth/fire/enthusiam between Alex, Mike, Luke, and Drayton.

Excited for Luke.. can't F'ing wait for kickoff.
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Bleed S & G;1967186; said:
I would assume if all goes well he is the heir apparent for line coach? Not sure how I feel about all of these coaches with no experience but do love the youth/fire/enthusiam between Alex, Mike, Luke, and Drayton.

Excited for Luke.. can't F'ing wait for kickoff.

I think with this youth injection...we are going to see some things folks have been clamoring for....some risks....but as usual be careful what you wish for
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Bleed S & G;1967186; said:
I would assume if all goes well he is the heir apparent for line coach?

What about Jeff Uhlenhake?

Former All-American and 10-year NFL veteran Jeff Uhlenhake is in his fifth season back with the Ohio State football program as a strength and conditioning assistant, working with the Buckeyes in all phases of their training and physical development.
Uhlenhake served as offensive quality control coach with Ohio State during the 2003 season before leaving for Cincinnati to coach the offensive line under former OSU defensive coordinator Mark Dantonio. After one season with the Bearcats, Uhlenhake spent the 2005 and 2006 seasons with the Cleveland Browns, where he coached the offensive line, first as an assistant before taking over the position for the final 10 games of 2006.
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Bleed S & G;1967186; said:
I would assume if all goes well he is the heir apparent for line coach? Not sure how I feel about all of these coaches with no experience but do love the youth/fire/enthusiam between Alex, Mike, Luke, and Drayton.

Excited for Luke.. can't F'ing wait for kickoff.

Vrabel always seamed like a coach on the field to me so I wouldn't worry about him. It sounds like Step is just helping out on the line, which is a bonus. I'm sure he learned some things in the NFL that can help at OSU. This job sounds more like the role of a GA or QC guy. Hell I haven't played in 10 years and I think I could come in and help make OSU's line better. Any time you can bring in another set of experienced eyes on the sideline it is a good thing.
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BuckeyeNation27;1967214; said:
Uncertainty with Oregon? ESPN hasn't told me any of this. What gives?

They wrote a big check to a guy they know as "Will." Turns out he uses an alias of "Willie" to do things that violate NCAA rules like they were a 98lb prison whore. It's not really newsworthy because no reasonable person could be expected to see through such a cleverly disguised rouse. Oregon was clearly duped in this case.
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A family affair: First lady of OSU football a Spencerville native
August 13, 2011
Jim Naveau


? AMY AND LUKE: Married in 2000, have four children: Landon, 9; Luca, 6; and twins Aydon and Ashton, 4

? HIGH SCHOOL: 1994 graduate of Spencerville

? COLLEGE: 1999 graduate of The Ohio State University

? PARENTS: Ken and Joyce Goecke, of Spencerville

? SURROUNDED BY SIBLINGS: No. 8 of 10 children; three live in suburban Columbus: Jennifer MacDonald, Jill Hoying and Tom Goecke. The other six siblings ? Tori Nourse, Jeff Goecke, Mark Goecke, Steve Goecke, John Goecke and Matt Goecke ? are in Spencerville.


COLUMBUS ? Before she was married to Ohio State's head football coach, Amy Fickell was a dean's list physical therapy major at Ohio State, a basketball player and cheerleader in high school and the eighth of Ken and Joyce Goecke's 10 children on a dairy farm outside Spencerville.

And she was a little girl with a cow problem.

As she talked recently about what life has been like since her husband, Luke Fickell, replaced Jim Tressel as Ohio State's football coach on May 30, Amy Fickell was excited and eager to see what the future brings.


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59sZmkel1_Q"]TheBuckeyeTimes.com: Ohio State head coach Luke Fickell post-practice Aug. 16, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB05zvAH0uY"]VID00033 - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uaxupk2Cc0k"]11W: Coach Luke Fickell Speaks With Media After OSU's 8-18-11 Practice - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKe78vbxmvk"]Fickell Camp Update Aug. 18, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
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