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DT Cameron Heyward (6x Pro Bowl, 3x All Pro, Pittsburgh Steelers)

= championship. Nobody in the country is returning this much talent. The Big three are gone (bradford, tebow and mccoy), and there might not be a single dominant team in either the B12 or the SEC. Bama is returning a lot but it's their defense that carries them and they lose more on that side than we do. The ACC is looking very overrated, and we'll have a chance to take care of their best team in our house.

If we don't get screwed by a mountain west team, there's no way we don't make it into the national title game.
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Tresselbeliever;1635797; said:
= championship. Nobody in the country is returning this much talent. The Big three are gone (bradford, tebow and mccoy), and there might not be a single dominant team in either the B12 or the SEC. Bama is returning a lot but it's their defense that carries them and they lose more on that side than we do. The ACC is looking very overrated, and we'll have a chance to take care of their best team in our house.

If we don't get screwed by a mountain west team, there's no way we don't make it into the national title game.

If OSU goes 12-0 we will be 1 or 2. OSU and the Big 10 have earned some respect this bowl season. Hopefully Iowa holds on and we'll see how Texas stacks up against Bama to get an idea how the SEC and Big 12 match up. Personally I think we are the 3rd or 4th best team in CFB right now after seeing what I've seen so far.
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music to my ears. I'll miss Thad, but I think Williams/Thomas/Fellows will fill the void nicely. Cam and Chekwa coming back adds stability/leadership to a defense that is already loaded with talent and now w/ underclassmen depth that these last 2 great recruiting classes will provide. U are looking @ the best front 7 in the Big 10 if not all of college football in 2010.

If he gets snubbed for 1st team Big 10 next year it's a joke. Should be 1st team All-American if he dominates like he did the 2nd half of this season. He was unblockable. Can't wait to watch him wreck havoc in Big 10 backfields in 2010.

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