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DT Cameron Heyward (6x Pro Bowl, 3x All Pro, Pittsburgh Steelers)

Outstanding news, as others have said, this is better than any 5* recruit committing. He brings huge presence as a DT and DE as well, losing Gibson is tough, but with Cam and the other returnees, the DL should be a strength again next year.
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Having Cam return, Chekwa return and getting Big Hank in one day REALLY starts the new year off with a bang. Cam is more important than ANY of these recruits OSU is after....But of course I'm greedy and want them all...Wow..what good news.
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I just now saw this news along with Chekwa's announcement.


Rock on!!!:osu:
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With Cam staying and and Gibson leaving, how do you see our line looking next year? I would guess cam starting strongside with n williams starting weakside, then having larrimore and simon starting d-tackles in the 4-3. Then slide simon out to de, williams out to olb for 3-4....
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