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Disgraced Former Penn State DC Jerry Sandusky (convicted child molester)

Leadership Requirements for Trips and Outings
It is the responsibility of the chartered organization of any Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, or Venturing crew or ship to inform the committee and leadership of the unit that sufficient adult leadership must be provided on all trips and outings (coed overnight activities require both male and female adult leaders).

  1. Two-deep leadership. Two registered adult leaders, or one registered leader and a parent of a participating Scout or other adult, one of whom must be 21 years of age or older, are required for all trips and outings. There are a few instances, such as patrol activities, when the presence of adult leaders is not required and adult leadership may be limited to training and guidance of the patrol leadership. With the proper training, guidance, and approval by the troop leaders, the patrol can conduct day hikes and service projects. Appropriate adult leadership must be present for all overnight Scouting activities; coed overnight activities - even those including parent and child - require male and female adult leaders, both of whom must be 21 years of age or older, and one of whom must be a registered member of the BSA. The chartered organization is responsible for ensuring that sufficient leadership is provided for all activities.
  2. During transportation to and from planned Scout outings,
  3. Meet for departure at a designated area.
  4. Prearrange a schedule for periodic checkpoint stops as a group.
  5. Plan a daily destination point.
  6. A common departure site and a daily destination point are a must. If you cannot provide two adults for each vehicle, the minimum required is one adult and two or more youth members' never one on one.
  7. Safety rule of four: No fewer than four individuals (always with the minimum of two adults) go on any backcountry expedition or campout. If an accident occurs, one person stays with the injured, and two go for help. Additional adult leadership requirements must reflect an awareness of such factors as size and skill level of the group, anticipated environmental conditions, and overall degree of challenge.
  8. Male and female leaders must have separate sleeping facilities. Married couples may share the same quarters if appropriate facilities are available.
  9. Male and female youth participants will not share the same sleeping facility.
  10. Single-room or dormitory-type accommodations for Scouting units: Adults and youths of the same gender may occupy dormitory or single-room accommodations, provided there is a minimum of two adults and four youths. A minimum of one of the adults is required to be Youth Protection trained. Adults must establish separation barriers or privacy zones such as a temporary blanket or a sheet wall in order to keep their sleeping area and dressing area separated from the youth area.
  11. When staying in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of an adult other than his or her parent or guardian.
  12. If separate shower and latrine facilities are not available, separate times for male and female use should be scheduled and posted for showers. Likewise, youth and adults must shower at different times. The buddy system should be used for latrines by having one person wait outside the entrance, or provide "Occupied" and "Unoccupied" signs and/or inside door latches. Adult leaders need to respect the privacy of youth members in situations where youth members are changing clothes or taking showers, and intrude only to the extent that health and safety require. Adults also need to protect their own privacy in similar situations.
  13. Two-deep adult leadership is required for flying activities. For basic orientation flights, the adult licensed pilot in control of the aircraft is sufficient for the flight, while two-deep leadership is maintained on the ground.
What is mystifying to me is the lack of basic steps by the University and Charity to avoid the chance of abuse. The Boyscouts have long used the "Two Deep" rule. We have to have more than one adult with a group of kids at all times. The adult cannot even go for a walk with a kid alone. Even if it is my neighbor's kid and his folks agree. I cannot go in his tent. He cannot go in mine. Last weekend I walked 3/4 mile from my tent - which was right next to the East Shower complex - and walked to the West Shower complex because it was the adult showers while the building next to my camp was for the youth.

You do not even think of using the close shower. It makes no difference if nobody is using it. It is simple. If you do not have a pedophile and a kid alone, then the pedophile cannot abuse him. So tonight, when a parent was late picking her scout up at church, I stood outside with the kid waiting for her. Guess what - one other leader with his kids in his car stood there waiting with me. I know the kid. I know the mom. She would have been happy for me to drop her kid off, as they both trust me. The other adult leader trusts me. But it makes no difference what the kid thinks, what I think, what the parent thinks, or what the other leader thinks about how safe I am.

If you do not allow a kid to be alone with an adult, then they cannot molest them.
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Gatorubet;2033117; said:
If you do not allow a kid to be alone with an adult, then they cannot molest them.

you'd be surprised how many parents out there look right past this obvious step.

several years ago, I coached a pee wee (8-9 year olds) basketball team.
was kinda a last minute deal, the guy originally coaching got called to active duty in Iraq the day before their 1st game. I know the ladies who run the local rec league, so as a favor to them, I stepped up to do it so the kids didn't have to forfeit their entire season.

less than 12 hours after I agreed to coach these kids, we were scheduled for our 1st game. I hadn't even seen a copy of our roster yet.

that morning, a kid calls me at my house asking for a ride to the game that day. not a ride for him and his parents. a ride for just him since his parents both had to work that day.

this was a kid I had never met, and had no clue who either of his parents were. but his mom had no issue simply finding out my name, looking it up in the phone book, and having her 8 year old son call a complete stranger and asking for a ride to a gym a couple towns over.

i was 19, and didn't have kids of my own back then, and wasn't really comfortable with being responsible for someone else's kid. Especially not a kid i didn't even know.

the ladies that run our rec league helped me find someone else on the team to give the kid a lift to the game.

at the time, by biggest concern/thought was that I would have to come home right after the game instead of going out partying if I had this kid with me.

now that I'm a parent and thinking back to that situation.
who the hell would not only let their kid get in a car with someone they don't know, but actually call that stranger and ask them to come get the kid?
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Has anybody not read the grand jury's presentment at this point?

The evidence is overwhelming: multiple victims with independant corroborating testimony (hand on the left thigh while in the passenger seat of Sandusky's car) and multiple eyewitness testimonies (at best lewd and deviant behavior, at worst rape -- while on Penn St campus).

The fed is now involved on the Clery Act (failure to report crime) and the Mann Act (interstate human trafficking).

The more I learn, the more I come to the conclusion that Penn St is going to be smote from the earth. If not already in the court of public opinion, most certainly in the distant future once all the criminal and civil proceedings are over.
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I spoke to my dad about this last night. He is the polar opposite of me: always gentle and mellow. He said "how could he not have beat the fucking shit out of that guy," referring to McQuerry seeing the assault.

I have not heard him swear in my lifetime, honestly.

People are pissed. They are going to need protective custody of all involved.
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I am at the airport and an obvious PSU supporter is talking on the phone next to me...

He actually said that the trustees made their decision to fire JoePA without knowing all the facts....
He said quote "the grand jury testimony is just opinions not fact." and "that this incident has nothing to do with the football program"...

excuse me it has everything to do with your football program and the school administration and the miserable excuses for human beings that are running each...

He is now running his month talking about the media and they don't know what they are talking about....
This is not a college kid....but a guy who looks to be in his '60's...
God they have to burn that place down and start over. What a bunch of mouth breathing, excuse making, poor excuse of human trash these folks are....
He is right to a certain extent..this is not about football, it is about the poor kids who were abused and their families and the inability of grown adults in power not willing to protect them, but to look the other way all for the glory of the PSU football machine....WE ARE PENN STATE, Indeed!!!:smash:
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BuckeyeNation27;2033185; said:
I was talking with a stranger on my friends facebook page who was trying to rally support for McQueary because she feels so bad for him.

I couldn't bite my tongue.

Yep. All I hear is, "Poor JoePa, they've ruined the reputation of a great man." Ridiculous. I can't stand it and it's not even worth debating with them because when you bring up facts they just bury their heads in the sand and cry, "JoooePaaaaa didn't knooooooow what reallly haaaappened!!!" Awful.
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Wingate1217;2033179; said:
I am at the airport and an obvious PSU supporter is talking on the phone next to me...

You're not getting on the same plane, are you?

I'd be concerned about the possibility of random lightning strikes.

Kudos, tho', for self-control. I'm not sure I could keep my mouth shut. It's come to my attention that I'm just getting madder and madder, to the point I can't stand it when another brain-dead, soul-free JoePA apologist starts robotically spewing out talking points.:smash:

Does it bear mentioning that the guy at the airport and his ilk are a very real part of the reason why this horrific destruction of children was able to occur? Those who perpetrate and those who enable and those who conceal the truth for whatever corrupt reasons, count on the gullibility of these bleating sheep.
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Dryden;2033100; said:
The Gricar connection is now in Wikipedia.


Someone versed in such things needs to edit in an addition with the yardbird.com link.
I think that might not pass muster as a Wikipedia reference.

At least, not alone, as unsupported speculation describing a Gricar - Heroin Bust - Murder theory.

What might pass muster is a Gricar - Heroin Bust - Murder theory - Dispelled? - Back to Gricar Suicide, with links to yardbird.com and to the contradictory evidence such as this from the Centre Daily - Foul Play Theory Weakened: 4/15/2009

Before he disappeared on April 15, 2005, police say former District Attorney Ray Gricar used his home computer to search the Internet for information on ?how to wreck a hard drive,"how to fry a hard drive," and "water damage to a notebook computer."
Tuesday, a day before the fourth anniversary of Gricar's disappearance, Bellefonte Police Detective Matthew Rickard released the information, raising the question of why Gricar would have wanted to destroy that hard drive.
Family spokesman Tony Gricar said it seems to dismiss the theory that Gricar was a victim of foul play.
"To me," Tony Gricar said, "it looks like it absolutely knocks out the theory of foul play." But he's quick to add that this is just one fact in a complex mystery.
"Everything has been, still is, in that circumstantial realm," Tony Gricar said. "But I'd be a fool to say that I can rule out or can't rule out homicide at this point."
Gricar was eight months from a planned retirement when he took a drive through Brush Valley toward Lewisburg on April 15, 2005. He hasn?t been heard from since.

I do know how to edit Wiki - but am loath to make merely the yardbird.com addition - for the reasons suggested above, speculative, unsupported, evidence to the contrary available.
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From Another Era And Another Sport, A Sex Abuse Scandal Still Inflicting Pain Today

He remembers hearing the popping sound from far away. He didn't know what it was so he followed the noise from the house on Avenue O. Half a mile Leeronnie Ogletree ran, the pops getting louder, the intrigue multiplying until he saw the stadium. He peered through a chain-link fence with a 10-year-old's wonderment. Baseball players in Winter Haven, Fla. Real baseball players in unblemished uniforms. Pitchers throwing, catchers receiving. Pop-pop-pop. It was the first day of spring training in 1973. Everything was pure.
A man asked Leeronnie if he wanted to meet the Boston Red Sox, maybe make a few bucks on the side cleaning around the clubhouse. Both knew what the answer would be.
"If you're a kid, you fall in love with the game of baseball," Ogletree says. "There's one in a million chance of meeting a professional ballplayer, let alone working with them. If kids like something, and if you say you're going to take that away, they'll do anything to keep what's good to them. I know what happened to me at 10 years old."
Today, Ogletree is 48. He can't forget about what happened when he was 10, not ever. So in September, after a long time away, he put a sign into his car and drove to a ballpark again. People would see what happened to him at 10 years old. And they never would forget, either.
*** Before Jerry Sandusky -- before he allegedly used the Penn State football complex to commit sex crimes with young boys and before the university spent more than a decade covering up his sins and before the grand-jury report revealed the appalling details of his abuse and before the campus rioted over legendary coach Joe Paterno losing his job amid it all -- there was Donald Fitzpatrick, the longtime Red Sox clubhouse manager who lured Ogletree and at least a dozen other young, African-American boys into two decades of systemic sexual abuse.
Not only has a serial child molester infiltrated sports before, he did so with one of baseball's most storied franchises. Should the allegations against Sandusky prove true, the two cases are strikingly similar. Both men seduced their victims with the lure of big-time athletics. Both bribed them with equipment and other swag. Both enjoyed watching boys shower. Both fondled their victims and engaged in oral sex. Both committed crimes in plain view and, despite getting caught, were swaddled by a power structure that buried the truth to protect those highest up in the organization. Both used threats and mind games to silence their prey for decades. And both ended up being exposed as predators far too late, after they had laid waste to innocent lives.

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