Allergic to Kool-Aid
1926Buckeyes;2033188; said:Yep. All I hear is, "Poor JoePa, they've ruined the reputation of a great man." Ridiculous. I can't stand it and it's not even worth debating with them because when you bring up facts they just bury their heads in the sand and cry, "JoooePaaaaa didn't knooooooow what reallly haaaappened!!!" Awful.
Another ripe quote, a tweet scrolling across the screen on BTN repeatedly during their coverage: "(Joe) did everything in his power."
My mind tends to make odd associations, and sometimes events trigger a visual or auditory memory that runs on a loop. When I see hollow justifications like those above, I keep hearing a line from, of all things, a Simpson's Halloween show. Marge and her sisters are real witches, taking vengeance on a medieval village by abducting and dining on their children. When the witches arrive at Flanders' house, his sole response is to wave a cross at them, which they brush aside. As his sons are obediently stepping into the witches' burlap sacks to be carried off and devoured, the boys tell the motionless Flanders: "That's OK, Daddy...You did everything you could."
That's OK, Joe...You did everything you could.
