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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

DubCoffman62;2121264; said:
I'm going to do the Insanity Workout starting tomorrow. Today I went through the six moves just to learn them so tomorrow it starts for real. I'm just looking to change things up a bit, it looks like an ass kicker.

It is an ass kicker, but a blast. Just started last week for another round through. The fit test is the worst part of the first month. Don't try and kill yourself as it is just a measuring stick of what kind of shape you are in when you start and how you improve throughout the program. Also, I would recommend not eating for a few hours beforehand. Otherwise keep a trash can handy.

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BuckBackHome;2121293; said:
It is an ass kicker, but a blast. Just started last week for another round through. The fit test is the worst part of the first month. Don't try and kill yourself as it is just a measuring stick of what kind of shape you are in when you start and how you improve throughout the program. Also, I would recommend not eating for a few hours beforehand. Otherwise keep a trash can handy.

Just from going through the moves I can see it's going to be tough even already being in good condition. The power jumps are pure hell. I don't see how I'll be able to keep them up for a minute. The other ones are doable though.
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DubCoffman62;2121298; said:
Just from going through the moves I can see it's going to be tough even already being in good condition. The power jumps are pure hell. I don't see how I'll be able to keep them up for a minute. The other ones are doable though.

Don't forget you have five more days of workouts in a row. Don't kill yourself on the fit test but do push yourself. Jump squats are my least favorite exercise as I always feel like I am going to puke afterwards. But it is all good because Sean T isn't trying to hurt you. He just wants to make you better! (listen for that famous line of his)
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Not only toxic but addictive as all get out. I've noticed I relate to sugary things the same way drug addicts & alcoholics think about their poison of choice. Tells a lot about what it's doing bio-chemically. That, and I feel a thousand times better when I don't eat any, even to the point that arthritic knees wake up happier in the morning without it.

Still think I love it though. Why couldn't brussel sprouts and limburger cheese have been what was toxic?
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I used to know a few people that had a 10-12 soda a day habit plus a liking to other sweets and they're all dead now having died at a relatively young age. Whenever I see people drinking soda pop I want to snatch it out of their hands and dump it. One sado alone has about 64grams of sugar. I truly believe that it's more harmful than smoking. I've know smokers that lived long lives and were relatively healthy because they ate properly and got exercise, even if it was because their jobs were physically taxing. Someone who lives a sedentary lifestyle and eats lots of sugar is going to die much younger than the smoker.
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So I'm looking to get into a diet (Primal) and start working out again.

Which book should I get of Sisson's? The 21 day or the other one that came out more recently. Do I even need the book?

For working out, I think I'm going to get back into P90 again. I've got the videos my as well use them.
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Which book should I get of Sisson's? The 21 day or the other one that came out more recently. Do I even need the book?
I haven't read the new one, but I'd suggest the original. Also reserve the cookbook. Both are available from the CBus library.

Then browse MarksDailyApple.com like crazy. Tons of great blogs from Mark as well as a booming forum of primal eaters to provide recipes, tips & lessons on a wide array of topics.
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localyokel;2135992; said:
Not only toxic but addictive as all get out. I've noticed I relate to sugary things the same way drug addicts & alcoholics think about their poison of choice. Tells a lot about what it's doing bio-chemically. That, and I feel a thousand times better when I don't eat any, even to the point that arthritic knees wake up happier in the morning without it.

Still think I love it though. Why couldn't brussel sprouts and limburger cheese have been what was toxic?
So true. This is particularly problematic as I end up at a lot of sporting events with readily available candy and shoots that run over (or get tacked on afterwards).

It definitely helps to be eating well with such delicious food, but there is no solution for the sugar lust besides willpower and baby steps.

I'm still down 45 lbs from last summer (when I started), and I've noticed that it's pretty easy to get back on track after a vacation or holiday where I don't eat well. What used to take months of excrutiating effort to lose now comes off in about 3-6 days of eating right again (in part due to shedding carb-attached water weight).
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Just signed up to do the Capital City Half Marathon on May 5th. I'm currently in my 3rd week of training for it. Things are going really, really well.

Also, signed up to do the Warrior Dash in Logan on June 3rd.
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