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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

I took over as an operations manager at a gym not long after my move from Ohio. Been at it 6 days a week since November. Back up to where I was last summer - 175ish. Feel great too. Its the right combination of size, yet lean mass & strength for me. I don't sacrifice my lateral agility and I've noticed a signifcant increase in my burst since I've found a league for flag football on saturday's. (CB) Dropped my body fat % down. Got my abs back. Busted ass all through winter just to be ready for Spring/Summer. Since I"m where I want to be I can ease up a little, still maintain my diet as long as I'm conscious of what I'm doing. Maybe bump down to 4 days a week.

As a side note I noticed I no longer have a tolerance for Ice Cream... pretty much at all. Went to DQ with this girl I'm kind of seeing, barely got half way through a blizzard. Tore my stomach up. Not like that's a bad thing. But my drinking has been non-existent as well. Had a few for the game. Barely drank St. Patty's & pretty much nothing in between. Mainly because a) haven't felt like it and b) can't drink like I used too.

That said. I'm loving the trade off.

Just need the weather to keep pace here.
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jwinslow;2144158; said:
What do you guys use for your big salads?

We keep using giant mixing bowls but I figure someone has figured out a better solution.
I hate keeping salad stuff at home, if I want a salad I go Grimaldi's and have a Mediterranean salad. It has romaine, red onions, kalamata olives, tomatoes and feta in a oil and vinegar dressing. I'll occasionally have a ceasar. Bottom line is whenever buy greens they rot before I eat them.
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Started a new workout regimin. Pretty much haven't done anything structured since I did P90X last year. Based off of leangains.com.

Day 1
Deadlifts-Reverse Pyrimid Training (RPT)
Weighted Pull Ups - RPT
Pendlay Rows - RPT

Day 2
DBBenchpress - RPT
Close Grip BenchPress - RPT
Shoulder Press - RPT
Weighted Dips - RPT

Day 3
Squats - RPT
Weighted Chins - RPT
Leg Press - RPT

I would like to get some sprinting in on my off days, and do ab ripper x three times a week.

Also on some of those day I might throw in some misc. shoulder work.

My RPT method

Set1: warmup 2-3 reps - something light
Set2: warmup 2-4 reps - Halfway between Set 1 and Set 3
Set3: warmup 2-4 80% of workout weight
Set4: working set 4-6 reps, I don't want to quit on the rep before failure, so something very heavy
Set5: -10% weight set4 +1 reps set4
Set6: -10% weight set5 +1 reps set5

If I can do 6 reps on set 4 I up the weight next time I work out. Sometimes I do 2 warmup sets instead of 3. It just depends on the exercise.

Week 1, Set 4 Weights.

DB Bench - 80
DB Shoulder Press - 60
Weighted Pull -45
Weighted Chin - 45

Also note, I have had shoulder issues from benching in past, that is why I did DB press this week. I am thinking about revisiting my form to get back to the bar press.

Thoughts? Anyone try this before? My goal is to lift heavy and not spend a ton of time in the gym. I am open to suggestions. I have not in the past trained regularly on squats and deadlift.
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I would drop the leg press, rows, military press, and switch your shoulder press to BB instead of DB. You'll find out why the first two are redundant once you learn how to squat and deadlift. Whether you should bench or not is up to you. Some people swear by it, I don't do it but once every few months and do just fine. I don't have any experience with RPT so I can't speak to that.

People are fucking obsessed with ab workouts. If you're even moderately fit I wouldn't waste the time.
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Buckeye513;2152816; said:
I would drop the leg press, rows, military press, and switch your shoulder press to BB instead of DB. You'll find out why the first two are redundant once you learn how to squat and deadlift. Whether you should bench or not is up to you. Some people swear by it, I don't do it but once every few months and do just fine. I don't have any experience with RPT so I can't speak to that.

People are fucking obsessed with ab workouts. If you're even moderately fit I wouldn't waste the time.
first, pendlay rows are hardly redundant if one deadlifts. i would somewhat agree if you had instead stated that rows are largely redundant if one deadlifts and performs pull-ups, which onebuck includes in his regimen.

second, standing military presses are great exercises that complement deadlifts, squats, and other compound movements. i surely wouldn't remove that exercise as long as he doesn't encounter any shoulder issues.

third, though i recommend barbells to dumbbells when performing military presses, i think it's just fine to use dumbbells if performing seated presses. onebuck specifically stated that he has had shoulder problems, which is why he has used dumbbells. those with shoulder problems will generally have more difficulty with barbells than dumbbells. i can attest to that.

overall, onebuck, i think your program looks fine. continue focusing on compound movements and maintain variety in the pursuit of increased weight loads. it doesn't need to be complex.

one caveat, though: make sure your deadlift form is as close to perfect as possible. in my opinion, it's by far the best exercise, albeit one that can cause the most damage. i bet that you've already heard of rippetoe and have watched his videos. if not, do so.
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I've used some of mentzer's ideas in training,and I believe they work. Those type of workouts can be a good change from the norm. Personally,I need more volume(if strength is the focal point),but yes it's definitely more time consuming to train that way.Regardless of the workout,the intensity is the key factor.Just push yourself
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Flocka;2153062; said:
Definitely keep rows, and calm down with the ab workout. Abs are made in the kitchen.

Everything I was going to say has been covered. This is the best point though. If your diet is spot on the abs come with it. Proper form on bench/chest reps is critical if not you'll be turning it into a shoulder workout real fast. I did notice something. Anything to work those fast twitch? Weighted lunges perhaps? Step- ups? Lower back work as well? I only skimmed the post but didn't see it. DB press is a good way to improve form before heading to BB. And if your shoulders hurt...chances are your form needs minor tweaking
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