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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPsKpnu0-X4"]Why Are Thin People Not Fat (Full BBC Documentary) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyQSzx0ofto&feature=related"]Horizon - The Truth About Exercise (BBC, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk05Ti8dVVg&feature=channel&list=UL"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 1 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs8F8sMdb_I&feature=related"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 2 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OMAMIfB-bE&feature=relmfu"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 3 of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9UKZjvPHTU&feature=plcp"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 4 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCqIbi5JSUs&feature=plcp"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 5 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oxfF-gotMU&feature=plcp"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 6 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGKgUlmXLY4&feature=plcp"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 7 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMwWLHhh3HQ&feature=plcp"]Jamie Oliver Eat To Save Your Life Part 8 Of 8 - YouTube[/ame]
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I've lost about 25 pounds since January. I've been more active, but I didn't add any strenuous activity, and I'm still doing my limited workout routine 3 days/week. I've been trying to eat less processed foods, and I've had beer and pop only on rare occasions - I have been drinking a lot more water.

I haven't even been making a serious effort to lose a bunch of weight, but I'm wearing some clothes that I bought a while back and was never able to wear, so I'm certainly not complaining.
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Since I started my weight regimen back in May of last year I've gone from 175 to 195 and have kept my 32 inch waist although I'll admit that some pants are a bit tighter than the others. I finally learned that if you want to bulk up you have to eat much more calories, there's no way around it. Now that my arms, shoulders, chest and legs are about where I want them I'm going to work on trimming off some of the belly fat and water that I've put on. I know that the 20 lbs isn't pure muscle.
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question for you guys..

what's good to eat/drink after workouts? I have a feeling a reason I don't feel like I've built any muscles is because I'm not taking care of my body after a workout..

just some background, generally my workout is 10 minute warm up, 30 minutes weights then 20-25 min cardio

I read that protein/carbs, but never any great example..I have heard choc milk is good
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Bucknut24;2166362; said:
question for you guys..

what's good to eat/drink after workouts? I have a feeling a reason I don't feel like I've built any muscles is because I'm not taking care of my body after a workout..

just some background, generally my workout is 10 minute warm up, 30 minutes weights then 20-25 min cardio

I read that protein/carbs, but never any great example..I have heard choc milk is good
It doesn't really matter. The theory that you have to have a protein shake directly after you workout is bullshit. There is nothing wrong with it, but it does not need to be within a certain time of your workout. Protein/carbs are good. I believe you are trying to lose weight so most importantly you need to continue to work out and eat at a caloric deficit. Attempt to never eat anything that has a calorie to protein ratio of over 20 to 1.
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question for you guys..

what's good to eat/drink after workouts? I have a feeling a reason I don't feel like I've built any muscles is because I'm not taking care of my body after a workout..

just some background, generally my workout is 10 minute warm up, 30 minutes weights then 20-25 min cardio

I read that protein/carbs, but never any great example..I have heard choc milk is good
What are you trying to do? Slim down, add muscle, etc.?
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Bucknut24;2166406; said:
lose fat...but adding some muscle in process....biggest is losing fat though (im at about 280 now)

if anyone remembers, i used to be 320

Congrats at the progress. If you are trying to add muscle don't get your cardio and weightlifting mixed up together, keep them separate.

I would suggest HIIT cardio on your non lifting days. On your lifting days go home and eat a meal right after you are done. Also for a bonus long walks are great for burning fat 45 min +. IMO much better than a 20 or 30 min 6 mph run.

www.leangains.com is an excellent source lifting information.
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Bucknut24;2166406; said:
lose fat...but adding some muscle in process....biggest is losing fat though (im at about 280 now)

if anyone remembers, i used to be 320
Cut out as much sugar and salt as possible and supplement your diet with high potassium foods like bananas, avocados, raisins, apricots and sweet potatoes. Drink lots of water too. This will help your body shed access water weight.
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I'd point out that there's a world of difference in consuming bananas and avocados.

While bananas have natural sugars, they are absolutely loaded with them. It's all about what works for you, though.

Banana vs Avocado

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