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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

knapplc;2081941; said:
Does anyone else live in an area where you have trouble finding good fruit, and if so, what do you do about it?

When it comes to veggies during the winter, I primarily buy frozen. The locally grown stuff just doesn't have the quality I'm looking for. As for the fruit, I can't help you as my intake is next to nil due to OAS (Oral Allergy Syndrome).
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muffler dragon;2082734; said:

Please, WF is not even that expensive. For the quality of produce and meat they offer it blows other grocery chains out of the water.

Now if you go around the store and buy all the prepackaged food and prepared meals, you will spend a fortune.
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THEWOOD;2082812; said:
Please, WF is not even that expensive. For the quality of produce and meat they offer it blows other grocery chains out of the water.

I find it to be tremendously more expensive than Trader Joe's, and that's above other supermarkets. Furthermore, for produce, it is a shitload higher than your local farmers' markets.

Now if you go around the store and buy all the prepackaged food and prepared meals, you will spend a fortune.

Guess we just have different views on what's expensive and isn't.
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muffler dragon;2082900; said:
I find it to be tremendously more expensive than Trader Joe's, and that's above other supermarkets. Furthermore, for produce, it is a shitload higher than your local farmers' markets.

I go to Trader Joe's at least weekly, and I buy their frozen veggies and some of their frozen fruits. There's one in Lincoln, although it's about a 25 minute drive from my house. It's worth the drive. Produce here in winter sucks. Bad.
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ok, another question for you guys...

Do weight loss supplements help and or safe? Now i'm not looking to use them and expect to shed weight by doing nothing, I fully understand eating right and working out is the core, but I feel like I have a hard time burning fat as well as curbing my appetite, and it seems that's what a certain amount of them do, is help your appetite during those afternoons as well as burn fat while at gym
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Anyone else find it kind of funny that a company is using Janet Jackson as a spokesperson for a weight loss program, when her weight is like a roller coaster?

Not to mention how gross she is
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Bucknut24;2089266; said:
ok, another question for you guys...

Do weight loss supplements help and or safe? Now i'm not looking to use them and expect to shed weight by doing nothing, I fully understand eating right and working out is the core, but I feel like I have a hard time burning fat as well as curbing my appetite, and it seems that's what a certain amount of them do, is help your appetite during those afternoons as well as burn fat while at gym

I do not personally use weight loss supplements, but I would urge people to NOT use them. Typically, the supplements that are expedient are amphetamine based, and you really don't need the synthetic stimulation.

If you're having trouble with a voracious appetite, then I suggest you eat more calorically dense foods that contain fats and proteins. For me personally, I eat bacon and eggs just about everyday for lunch. I supplement with raw almonds and some dark chocolate pieces. I find that I'm rarely having difficulty with hunger.
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muffler dragon;2089326; said:
If you're having trouble with a voracious appetite, then I suggest you eat more calorically dense foods that contain fats and proteins. For me personally, I eat bacon and eggs just about everyday for lunch. I supplement with raw almonds and some dark chocolate pieces. I find that I'm rarely having difficulty with hunger.
absolutel, and I definitely had a voraciois appetite before this.

I could eat a mountain of mac and cheese, a huge bowl of cereal, a big PBJ sandwich and pretzels, a large helping of pasta even with veggies... and find my appetite rallying 45-60 min later.

I would fight it for most of the night but have to relent before bed because I could not sleep otherwise.
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Bucknut24;2089266; said:
ok, another question for you guys...

Do weight loss supplements help and or safe? Now i'm not looking to use them and expect to shed weight by doing nothing, I fully understand eating right and working out is the core, but I feel like I have a hard time burning fat as well as curbing my appetite, and it seems that's what a certain amount of them do, is help your appetite during those afternoons as well as burn fat while at gym

Magnesium, HCL, Fish oil and D3 are all you need to get your body prepared to maximize the nutrients you put into your body. Using a weigtloss supplement is a bad idea, because it is a bad short term solution to something that needs a long term solution.
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jwinslow;2089334; said:
absolutel, and I definitely had a voraciois appetite before this.

I could eat a mountain of mac and cheese, a huge bowl of cereal, a big PBJ sandwich and pretzels, a large helping of pasta even with veggies... and find my appetite rallying 45-60 min later.

I would fight it for most of the night but have to relent before bed because I could not sleep otherwise.

Yup, 'cause a whole bunch of things in that list are drugs to your body--brain chemistry, glucose, lots of effects.

Watched Spurlock's Supersize Me last week for the first time in years and had a mini-revelation. Started seeing a parallel between what is done in processing food in America by the Food industry to what the Tobacco industry carefully researched and added to their product to increase its addictive qualities, and wondered if it has been happening with the very same conscious and malevolent intent--not for health or help, but to enslave the user to the product. Find I'm looking at the shelves in Krogers with very different eyes now.
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