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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

After a slow journey to football, Gholston rushes to success
By Jeffri Chadiha
Updated: February 24, 2008

INDIANAPOLIS -- Former Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston has never questioned his decision to turn pro early.

Two of his Buckeye teammates could have joined him in this draft. Cornerback Malcolm Jenkins and linebacker James Laurinaitis both opted to return to school for their senior seasons.

Gholston felt it was best to head for the next level. He already had spent four years in college (he was a redshirt in 2004). The rest of his rationale was simple logic. "I just felt like it was my time," Gholston said.

Among NFL talent evaluators at the scouting combine, there is no debating that presumption.

While Gholston would have made Ohio State a strong favorite for the national championship if he stayed in school, he certainly will have no trouble pleasing his future employer. Some scouts like him as a defensive end in a 4-3 scheme. Others favor him as a standup outside linebacker in the 3-4. What they all agree on, however, is this: Opposing quarterbacks should be nervous once this kid finds his comfort zone.

Gholston is the kind of natural pass-rusher teams covet. All you have to do is look at last season's conference championship games to see the impact a strong pass rush can have on a team's success -- all four teams featured strong defensive fronts. Ultimately, the New York Giants used relentless pressure on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady to help them win the Super Bowl

ESPN - After a slow journey to football, Gholston rushes to success - NFL
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Vernon Gholston on fast track after slow start
Posted by Mary Kay Cabot
February 24, 2008

Indianapolis -- Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston was kicked off his high school football team in Detroit for not being tough enough.

But he came back with a vengeance and molded himself into what most experts predict will be a top 10 pick in the NFL draft.

"It shows the type of person I am," Gholston said at the NFL Scouting Combine this week. "I take a lot of pride in what I do, and once I do something, I commit myself fully to it. Once I started football, I just kept at it and got good at it."

Gholston didn't begin playing football until he was a sophomore in high school. That's when he was spotted walking through the halls of Cass Technical High by coach Thomas Wilcher. At first, Wilcher thought this chiseled, mature-looking young man -- who was 6-2 and more than 200 pounds at the time -- was a parent looking for his son.

But when Gholston convinced the coach he indeed was a student, Wilcher talked him into playing football. It sounded good to Gholston, who was looking for something to fill the void in his life after his dad died when he was in eighth grade.

Besides, he already had been weightlifting on his own and had raw 4.5 speed in the 40-yard dash.

"I never really even watched football [growing up]," Gholston said. "I played basketball and I was a big wrestling fan, loved working out, but football kind of slipped through the cracks."

Vernon Gholston on fast track after slow start - Cleveland Sports News ?€“ The Latest Breaking News, Game Recaps and Scores from The Plain Dealer
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bucknut11;1100639; said:
"that's probably the last time i'll do 37 in a row. my sets usually get a little heavier. i aim for the 5 (or 6 hundred??) range, so that's the last time i'll do 37."


He's a freak. Just not even human. I just hope tOSU doesn't get any penalties for recruiting someone from another planet.

Okay enough of the overstating. :tongue2:
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Ohio State Buckeyes defensive end Vernon Gholston turns heads at NFL Scouting Combine

Monday, February 25, 2008Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Indianapolis- Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston was kicked off his high school football team in Detroit for not being tough enough.
But he came back with a vengeance and molded himself into what most experts predict will be a top 10 pick in the NFL draft.
"It shows the type of person I am," Gholston said at the NFL Scouting Combine this week. "I take a lot of pride in what I do, and once I do something, I commit myself fully to it. Once I started football, I just kept at it and got good at it."
Gholston didn't begin playing football until he was a sophomore in high school. That's when he was spotted walking through the halls of Cass Technical High by coach Thomas Wilcher. At first, Wilcher thought this chiseled, mature-looking young man - who was 6-2 and more than 200 pounds at the time - was a parent look ing for his son.
But when Gholston convinced the coach he indeed was a stu dent, Wilcher talked him into playing foot ball. It sounded good to Ghol ston, who was looking for something to fill the void in his life after his dad died when he was in eighth grade.

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There is a part of the CPD story posted above that says Gholston was kicked off his High School team his sophmore year because he was a bit too timid coming off the end. How do you think this coach feels now?

It also says he was 6'-2" and 200+ lbs as a sophmore, that coach must have been pretty ballsy to tell someone that size he is too weak and to take a hike.

Vern should have a great career where ever he ends up. If he stays healthy there is almost no cap to his potential.
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