Buckeye Samurai of Big League Blitzkreig
SIAP, but if someone did spike his drink and he has a rough idea who it is, wouldn't they be liable for something? Like a significant ass kicking?
Everyone is liable for something. We just might not know the legal theory, yet.
Greg Spence also said the family is planning to sue the Big Ten.
I am trying to imagine how this will go. My only legal education comes from the school of hard knocks.
They subpoena 5 people and ask them if they spiked the drink. They all plead the fifth, because NO one can afford to say yes under oath. They ask 20 people if they drank something that was spiked, and they all plead the fifth because no victim can admit to taking an illegal substance, or best case, they were underage and knew it was at least alcoholic. Even if someone knew it was spiked but did not call CPD, that might be conspiracy.
Or maybe they get the B1G to relent, but then the NCAA will pile on.
And if the B1G will not roll over and play dead like all tOSU fans would want, Noah will have played in the NFL and had a career ending injury before it goes to trial.
I am interested in seeing how this will all work.