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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

Thad is indeed becoming a monster. One can see constant improvement from game to game. The D-Line's been receiving a ton of grief, but unlike the offensive line, they don't look like they've quit the season. Thad, in particular, looks to be playing his heart out.
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From CantonRep.com...

The Buckeyes battered McCoy all game, sacking him twice and knocking him down numerous other times. Twice in the first half he took shots to the head by defensive lineman Thaddeus Gibson. On one sack, Gibson wrapped up McCoy with both arms, picked him up and slammed him down like a wet fish.

?He was very angry with me or something,? McCoy said. ?That was the biggest, best defense we?ve played this year. They were coming after me all night long. I?ll be sore tomorrow.?
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Colt McCoy said:
"He was very angry with me or something.."

Don't take it personally Colt. Thad see's red, and goes Bull.

That was the biggest, best defense we've played this year. They were coming after me all night long. I'll be sore tomorrow.

No surprise, but still nice to hear from someone who matters. Colt McCoy, I am your newest fan.
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My Fiesta Bowl signs
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Is it possible Different formations could be sued to utilize Thadds potential most??
i know we never run this but what do you think of a 3-4 set?

soo much speed on the ends.. might help out more with some of the spread offenses on 3rds and mids
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HorticullyBuck;1393870; said:
Is it possible Different formations could be sued to utilize Thadds potential most??
i know we never run this but what do you think of a 3-4 set?

soo much speed on the ends.. might help out more with some of the spread offenses on 3rds and mids

Jim Heacock scoffs at you 3-4 guys.

Plus he doesn't have $30 mil to get that nose tackle you need. There's not a whole lot of successful 3-4 defenses in the college ranks.

Now, is there anything wrong with Thad dropping back into coverage? No, but it will never truly be a 3-4 set.
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HorticullyBuck;1393870; said:
Is it possible Different formations could be sued to utilize Thadds potential most??
i know we never run this but what do you think of a 3-4 set?

soo much speed on the ends.. might help out more with some of the spread offenses on 3rds and mids

How about a 33 so we get another DB on the field instead of a LB :wink:
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