This shit has gotten way off-topic, but god damn, how are we going to point to Gen Y/Z as being too sensitive and not mention that boomers are some of the biggest bitches out there? You ever listen to a conversation between two 70+ year old women bitching because the kid at Wendy's said "no problem" instead of "you're welcome"? Hell, try saying "knowing how to read cursive doesn't make you smart" and "teaching cursive is a waste of time" then watch them meltdown. Millennials grew up getting participation trophies? Motherfucker, it was the boomers giving that shit out to us gen X/Y kids growing up! We weren't fucking stupid -- we know who won the game.
Fucking boomers could walk out of high school and get a job at the factory down the street that could provide for a family of four and came with a pension and insurance benefits. Kids today come out of college (the thing they were told was so important to their success!) and get shit all over when they can't get a job that pays enough to support them much less support an entire family. The kids are no dumber than the kids 30-50-70 years ago, they just have different opportunities available to them.
Every generation fucking sucks because people suck. They just suck it in different ways.