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David Brandon YRSOB (brand deflater / email enthusiast / cowardly quitter)



Courtesy of CASCADER on the shag.
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So, Mr, Brandon... what qualifies you to be the athletic director of our fine university?

First, let me remind you that I played football under Bo. I am a Michigan Man.

Quite true, and while we certainly understand the value in that, what else can you tell us?

Well, as you know, I am currently the CEO of Dominos Pizza. Here's the thing, follow me here, it's important. I took an otherwise reasonable product and turned it into a rather foul tasting combination of sauce on cardboard. I mean, it really isn't very good... Frankly, I prefer Chuck E. Cheese, and that stuff makes Little Caesar's look like caviar. Anyway, so, yeah.. I managed to ruin pizza. Think about that. Pizza. Ruined. And... here's the part you need to know, I made A TON of money in so doing. Look, if I can ruin pizza and still turn a profit, imagine what I can do here?

I have to say, that's a pretty strong argument. Let me ask you this how would you describe your management style?

Oh... I'd say I'm as successful as .. Jerry Jones.

Of the Cowboys?

Yes. I think he does it right. He's involved in a lot of things and has made a ton of money.

Impressive. OK... anything else?

Well, yeah, I'm pals with Stephen Ross... Stevie, as I know him. He said this was more less just for show. When do I start?
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