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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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And here we go. The Johns Hopkins map shows that we'll cross 20K today (low 6K on Thursday morning), and that's with the mass shortage of testing kits.

Can’t ramp up testing, even if stocks are available, until there’s enough capacity in the hospitals... which goes to what @kujirakira said in one of his earlier posts about the higher mortality rates that go with delayed hospitalization. The hospitals would collapse, as we see happening in Italy and Spain.
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Just a thought as I sit here this morning;

  • massive numbers of people lost their income last week
  • they still have to buy food
  • no income means no money but they still have credit cards
  • depending on individual credit limits and spending habits how long is that going to give them the ability to buy food? 30-60-90 days?
Just consider that very simple and bleak scenario when you think the government is doing something to help all the people they willfully unemployed.
  • I have seen nothing to date mention how they are going to feed people who can no longer afford to buy food.
  • I have seen no mention of concessions from the credit card companies of any kind. Extended credit limits, waiving late fees and interest. Nothing.
  • I have a very good guess of how they plan to keep the peace when hungry people get desperate.

The clock started ticking a week ago and you don't have to have a PhD to do the math of how long people have. The vast majority of the people I am talking about here, those forced into state mandated poverty, would have never gotten severely ill or died from COVID-19.
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If you check out the article I posted earlier, 93% of those tested are negative. Perhaps we need to use the tests we have more wisely? Think about what that does to the health care traffic jam.

Based on that map, the rains are really blessed down in Africa!
Yeah, come on people. Only get tested when you have it.
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Are any of you still on auto-pilot with the hand-shaking? One of the best ways to pass germs from one host to another and dudes are still doing it.

My 70-something neighbor came bee-bopping over when I was outside an hour ago and extends his hand. I backed off and joked about it but I was serious about keeping the distance. It's as if people hear/see the news, know these types of behaviors need to change, but it doesn't register in their daily activities.

I want the lockdowns to end ASAP, I don't want them tightened further, so I'm doing anything I can to ease the spread. It's the casual fools that are gonna keep it rolling.
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Are any of you still on auto-pilot with the hand-shaking? One of the best ways to pass germs from one host to another and dudes are still doing it.

My 70-something neighbor came bee-bopping over when I was outside an hour ago and extends his hand. I backed off and joked about it but I was serious about keeping the distance. It's as if people hear/see the news, know these types of behaviors need to change, but it doesn't register in their daily activities.

I want the lockdowns to end ASAP, I don't want them tightened further, so I'm doing anything I can to ease the spread. It's the casual fools that are gonna keep it rolling.

This situation is really difficult on the Dutch Rudder enthusiasts.

They are people too.
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If you check out the article I posted earlier, 93% of those tested are negative. Perhaps we need to use the tests we have more wisely? Think about what that does to the health care traffic jam.

Based on that map, the rains are really blessed down in Africa!
They've changed instructions to the medical folks in Cal and NY to only test people if a positive result would cause a change in the treatment plan. Because of the drain of medical equipment and the time of medical personnel being used for testing.

It's too bad they have to do this, since more test data is useful in itself, but I'm confident that this specific decision is a wise one.

And BTW, that was a very interesting article posted by Heisman earlier. Long, but full of information.
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Are any of you still on auto-pilot with the hand-shaking? One of the best ways to pass germs from one host to another and dudes are still doing it.

My 70-something neighbor came bee-bopping over when I was outside an hour ago and extends his hand. I backed off and joked about it but I was serious about keeping the distance. It's as if people hear/see the news, know these types of behaviors need to change, but it doesn't register in their daily activities.

I want the lockdowns to end ASAP, I don't want them tightened further, so I'm doing anything I can to ease the spread. It's the casual fools that are gonna keep it rolling.
And the fact that not every state is doing it. If everybody completely isolated for 3 weeks it would be extremely effective, but we are not doing that nationwide. I foresee a bounce back after restrictions are finally relaxed which will be much higher than it should have been.
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They've changed instructions to the medical folks in Cal and NY to only test people if a positive result would cause a change in the treatment plan. Because of the drain of medical equipment and the time of medical personnel being used for testing.

It's too bad they have to do this, since more test data is useful in itself, but I'm confident that this specific decision is a wise one.

And BTW, that was a very interesting article posted by Heisman earlier. Long, but full of information.

Aside from your statement following the bolded, this is brilliant. And yes, @heisman’s posted article was an outstanding read.
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They've changed instructions to the medical folks in Cal and NY to only test people if a positive result would cause a change in the treatment plan. Because of the drain of medical equipment and the time of medical personnel being used for testing.

It's too bad they have to do this, since more test data is useful in itself, but I'm confident that this specific decision is a wise one.

And BTW, that was a very interesting article posted by Heisman earlier. Long, but full of information.
They are probably at the point where they think (or are forced to assume) that this thing has been contained as much as it’s going to be.
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If hospitals run short, takeover hotels after sanitizing them.

I did hear on one of my podcasts that some of the cruise lines are offering ships as a replacement for hospitals for those who do not have the virus. Similar idea. Also a novel approach that would increase capacity. I do like the hotel bed idea in lieu of cruise ships for land locked cities.
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