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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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So even the three county commissioners where I live have to get in on the act and have a fucking press conference. Ostensibly to "calm" everyone but how do you calm people that don't know who the hell you are?

This is some good insight into the economic impact at the main street level after 5 days of this "non essential lock down" nonsense:

60% of 750 is 450.

450 small businesses have already let people go or closed their doors.

11 people in our county have tested positive for COVID-19. Eleven.

1 person has died in the state of Pennsylvania. One.
Yes, but if you look at NYC, their hospitals are nearing capacity. Our estimates here are that the peak in Ohio will be in about 40-50 days...so that puts it in mid-May.

I guess what I am saying is, just because people aren’t dying near you yet, doesn’t mean they won’t, and I really hope they don’t. But this isn’t going away anytime soon. And it will get everywhere...the question is how badly.
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OMG, 16,000 Coronavirus cases and 200 dead in the USA! :panic:

In 2009, just 11 years ago, we had a "swine flu" pandemic. 60 million Americans contracted it, over 12,000 Americans died - do you even fucking remember it?

This hysteria has to stop.
Today I ran into an MD I train with in our triathlon clinic. I had made the comment that Hawaii had gone from 2 to 32 known infected in the course of a full week, and that I expected it to not be near as bad as most fear. She proceeded to tell me how the increase is getting "exponential" (I'm going to start carrying around a 2x4 and clocking everyone that uses the phrase "flatten the curve", "exponential", or "self quarantine"). I told her that while I didn't have a medical degree, I didn't think going to 2 to 32 in seven days is "exponential". She says it is when it "doubles every day". So, I took the number 2 and doubled it every day for a week and came up with 256, which sure as fuck is a lot more than 32. I also mentioned that Hawaii has gotten around to actually start testing a fair amount of people now and that's why the number is increasing and not because the virus spreading wildfire throughout the community. She then attributed the lower-than-expected numbers to everyone self-quarantining and the shutdown/draw-down of many businesses.
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Yes, but if you look at NYC, their hospitals are nearing capacity. Our estimates here are that the peak in Ohio will be in about 40-50 days...so that puts it in mid-May.
NYC is a fucking 300 sq mi Petri dish, especially Manhattan which could not be have intentionally designed better for spreading a virus. The city alone has 80% of Ohio's population in 2/3 of 1% of area. No way can you make the comparison.
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2 headlines on Drudge right now (linking to real articles):

“NIH says could be 70,000 cases by the end of next week”

“Economy deteriorating fast”

The sad thing is they both could be right. This shit ain’t easy.
70,000 out of 330,000,000. Sorry, but I don't care if half the country gets it and a couple hundred thousand kick it (yes, even if it includes your truly). That's light-years better than a second Great Depression.
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OMG, 16,000 Coronavirus cases and 200 dead in the USA! :panic:

In 2009, just 11 years ago, we had a "swine flu" pandemic. 60 million Americans contracted it, over 12,000 Americans died - do you even fucking remember it?

This hysteria has to stop.

The problem is flu season is what, 4-5 months? Right now the US cases, with poor testing but extreme measures being taken, are tracking to outpace Italy in 3-4 days. NYC itself will probably have more cases than Italy in a week.

If 60 millions Americans get this before there is a treatment or vaccine comes along, we'll be lucky if under a million people die.

As for the cost of the shutdowns...I have no idea how to prevent that. But trying to just have people go about their business while the majority of people get sick 2-3% of population die is immoral and isn't going to help the economy or any businesses fair much better than they are now. It's a shit sandwich.
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70,000 out of 330,000,000. Sorry, but I don't care if half the country gets it and a couple hundred thousand kick it (yes, even if it includes your truly). That's light-years better than a second Great Depression.

But what do you think will happen when 150 million get it, 3-4 million die, and few can work due to being sick? A similar depression, but much more panic, and hospitals that will basically be non-functioning. Not to mention governments being accused of holocausting their own citizens.
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Give us money or we will fire people. .Give us money because Shareholder value mattered more than money in the bank for a rainy day

Edit: i would all on board with fucking over the airlines for their stupidity but I have several friends from Ohio that live here in Austin and work for United...

United is the worst airline on Earth.
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Today I ran into an MD I train with in our triathlon clinic. I had made the comment that Hawaii had gone from 2 to 32 known infected in the course of a full week, and that I expected it to not be near as bad as most fear. She proceeded to tell me how the increase is getting "exponential" (I'm going to start carrying around a 2x4 and clocking everyone that uses the phrase "flatten the curve", "exponential", or "self quarantine"). I told her that while I didn't have a medical degree, I didn't think going to 2 to 32 in seven days is "exponential". She says it is when it "doubles every day". So, I took the number 2 and doubled it every day for a week and came up with 256, which sure as fuck is a lot more than 32. I also mentioned that Hawaii has gotten around to actually start testing a fair amount of people now and that's why the number is increasing and not because the virus spreading wildfire throughout the community. She then attributed the lower-than-expected numbers to everyone self-quarantining and the shutdown/draw-down of many businesses.

It doubles every 5 days.
Hawaii, being a series of islands, has some significant advantages.
Were the local government choose to take advantage of those, i think most people could go about business as usual.
No tourism though... so that may have the same economic fallout.
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