Today I ran into an MD I train with in our triathlon clinic. I had made the comment that Hawaii had gone from 2 to 32 known infected in the course of a full week, and that I expected it to not be near as bad as most fear. She proceeded to tell me how the increase is getting "exponential" (I'm going to start carrying around a 2x4 and clocking everyone that uses the phrase "flatten the curve", "exponential", or "self quarantine"). I told her that while I didn't have a medical degree, I didn't think going to 2 to 32 in seven days is "exponential". She says it is when it "doubles every day". So, I took the number 2 and doubled it every day for a week and came up with 256, which sure as fuck is a lot more than 32. I also mentioned that Hawaii has gotten around to actually start testing a fair amount of people now and that's why the number is increasing and not because the virus spreading wildfire throughout the community. She then attributed the lower-than-expected numbers to everyone self-quarantining and the shutdown/draw-down of many businesses.