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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Five months to find a vaccine. I hope it occurs that quickly again, but this lockdown can't be in place that long without devastating consequences.

I want to see the media run daily body count numbers of newly unemployed, bankrupted and foreclosed/evicted like they have been saturating us with from the COVID-19 virus.

I'd love to be able to talk about what exactly in the fuck we do to flatten that curve before it swamps the whole boat....not just the hospitals.
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Give us money or we will fire people. .Give us money because Shareholder value mattered more than money in the bank for a rainy day

Edit: i would all on board with fucking over the airlines for their stupidity but I have several friends from Ohio that live here in Austin and work for United...
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Help fight Medicare fraud

Scammers may use COVID-19 as an opportunity to steal your identity and commit Medicare fraud. In some cases, they might tell you they'll send you a Coronavirus test, masks, or other items in exchange for your Medicare number or personal information. Be wary of unsolicited requests for your Medicare number or other personal information.

It's important to always guard your Medicare card like a credit card and check your Medicare claims summary forms for errors. Only give your Medicare number to participating Medicare pharmacists, primary and specialty care doctors or people you trust to work with Medicare on your behalf. Remember, Medicare will never call you to ask for or check your Medicare number.

Protect yourself from Medicare fraud. Guard your Medicare card like it’s a credit card. Remember:
  • Medicare will never contact you for your Medicare Number or other personal information unless you’ve given them permission in advance.
  • Medicare will never call you to sell you anything.
  • You may get calls from people promising you things if you give them a Medicare Number. Don’t do it.
  • Medicare will never visit you at your home.
  • Medicare can’t enroll you over the phone unless you called first.
Read more: https://www.medicare.gov/forms-help...glish&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
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Give us money or we will fire people. .Give us money because Shareholder value mattered more than money in the bank for a rainy day

Edit: i would all on board with fucking over the airlines for their stupidity but I have several friends from Ohio that live here in Austin and work for United...

I hear you, but this isn’t a “money in the bank for a rainy day” situation. Airline industry isn’t coming back for a long long time.
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I hear you, but this isn’t a “money in the bank for a rainy day” situation. Airline industry isn’t coming back for a long long time.
I was referring to the money they spent over the last 10 years in stock buybacks to increase share price ...instead of putting money away for a rainy day
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