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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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I did hear on one of my podcasts that some of the cruise lines are offering ships as a replacement for hospitals for those who do not have the virus. Similar idea. Also a novel approach that would increase capacity. I do like the hotel bed idea in lieu of cruise ships for land locked cities.
Trump mentioned this during the WH briefing a couple days ago. One of the reporters started grilling him about whether he’s concerned if there’s any risk associated with that... :bonk:
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But what do you think will happen when 150 million get it, 3-4 million die, and few can work due to being sick? A similar depression, but much more panic, and hospitals that will basically be non-functioning. Not to mention governments being accused of holocausting their own citizens.
The amount of spread is total cojecture and solely based on models, which we all know are always accurate. Not being to work for 2-3 days, maybe a week, is sure the fuck better than not working at all for who knows how long.
It doubles every 5 days.
Hawaii, being a series of islands, has some significant advantages.
Were the local government choose to take advantage of those, i think most people could go about business as usual.
No tourism though... so that may have the same economic fallout.
The islands also has serious disadvantages in that they are isolated and contained...eight giant cruise ships.
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They would be staffed

Would they?

Today they found out at HUP a nurse in cath lab has it confirmed. 44 other nurses are now out of the rotation for two weeks because of that. They don't know the number of MD's yet because some dipdick broke protocol.

I think that's type of stuff is what's going to swamp the system. You can't all of a sudden give people the skills needed to staff all these new beds (if you can find them).
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In the UK and in NY state they’re bringing people back out of retirement and letting students who are nearly finished with their degrees.

This is true in PA as well but clearly points t what any heath care professional will tell you right now, if you aren't having difficulty breathing, ride it out at home.
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