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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Got my 2nd Moderna shot this past Saturday. Felt sluggish by Saturday night, but no big deal. Sunday morning I woke to a Mack truck running me over. Carried a 102+ fever all day, but refrained from taking any OTCs hoping my immune system would strengthen against it. Finally called a buddy whose wife is a pharmacist and she said to stop being a stubborn ass and take some Tylenol, Aleve, etc.. Took some at 8ish and my fever finally broke. Still had neck and shoulder stiffness. Monday I woke to a very jittery feeling like I hadn't slept in 24 hours and chugged 3 Red Bulls. Not sure if that was a side effect or not. By Midday, I felt normal as if nothing happened. Moral of the story....once you start feeling like crap, if you do, don't hesitate to pop some Tylenol, Aleve, etc...
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I was at a meeting today and heard by far one of the stupidest things I have heard in my life. One of the people made the comment that they still believe that this whole virus is made up and not as bad as people have been reporting for the last year.

I immediately decided that this person was a idiot and ignored anything coming out of their mouth the rest of the meeting
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24 hours after Pfizer shot number 2:

Arm is sore as hell at injection site. But I was able to get 9 hours of sleep and I'm at work. Feeling achy and a little run down. Like a low grade hangover.
Not terrible, but not 100%. Going to bed early tonight I think. I'll save Falcon and the Winter Solider for tomorrow night.
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Parents choice here ..in school in the am at home crowd pm. If you want to do sports,(just started football season) must attend school.

Past football season (4th grade) went off with minor hitches. All the hitches were from the teams in Ohio. Fuck you Indian Hill (if you know the Cincy burbs and see my name that makes a lot of sense). EABOD Indian Hill! :biggrin:

The championship tourney only included the Indiana teams and the 2 teams from Harrison iirc.
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Interesting. My shoulder was pretty sore for a couple of days after the first dose, but nothing after the second dose yesterday. I've had no issues, except a headache and tired, but I chalk that up to painting around the house the past 24 hours.

You're probably going to die.
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