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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Just got Pfizer shot 1. And now I'm wearing khakis, a blue sweatshirt, a block M hat, plastic-framed glasses, and a dumb look on my face. Oh, and rather inexplicably.....cleats in the office.

I think this vaccine really might cause autism.
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It's starting to feel like New Mexico has squashed the pandemic and if not for some of the stupid Texans we would be completely open!

Currently, 85 people are hospitalized with COVID-19 in New Mexico.

As of Monday, 47.9 percent of New Mexicans had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 30.4 percent were fully vaccinated. The state said 1,305,510 doses had been administered.

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About $128 billion was approved by Congress in March as part of the most recent stimulus, nearly double the amount sent to K-12 schools from the previous two Covid-19 relief packages. The money comes at a time when schools, some of which are chronically underfunded, are facing the unprecedented challenge of bringing all students back into the classroom for in-person instruction five days a week amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

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Pfizer #2 dose in the arm and done. Again, shout out to the Cintas Center, Kroger Vaccine team and the Ohio National guard. Couldn't have been an easier process this morning. My wife and I (and several thousand other people) were in and out in about 70 minutes. 14 more days and I'm ready to be out and about. Already purchased tickets for when the Braves come to Cincinnati in June. It's going to be a great summer!!

Pictured below is a live look at me come football season:

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Hmm, my kids have been in class all day this entire school year. That is SE Indiana though.
My kids are in just their 2nd week of full in-person school, after being “hybrid” since the school year started. Most of the other Columbus suburban districts got going a bit earlier... Columbus City schools are still hybrid after being fully-remote until February/March.
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