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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Can you feel the nanobots yet?

My lips are numb. Is that a symptom?

Totally have to laugh... y’all know I’m in Chicagoland... and I make no bones about how Chicago and IL work. You either have to carry around cash to grease palms, know someone... or both.

Had dinner with a friend over the weekend. Wife is a volunteer to help people get registered. Got put on a ‘vaccine buddy’ list to get mine today. Not even joking. Registered to be notified when I could get my vaccine. The form suggested it could be weeks before I hear back. I was told to just show up with proof of registration and let them know I’m a ‘vaccine buddy’ and all would be taken care of.

Sure as shit, completely as expected... Chicago doing Chicago as only Chicago can.

But you know what? Fuck ‘em. I got my shot.
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Pfizer #2 at 8am this morning. aside from a sore arm that is worse than #1, I feel fine. finally took some advil for my normal hip pain at 5pm. hoping i didn’t just mute my body’s immune response but can’t help it. can’t walk upright otherwise.
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Can't shake this black hicopter thats been following me. But, I'm sure that's unrelated.

That's because of the blow.

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