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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Well, it looks like the JnJ vaccine may be halted for use, at least temporarily. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...hnson-johnsons-covid-19-vaccine-idUSKBN2C01BC

I only know of one person who had this vaccine. 20-year old and he was sick for a couple of days after. Fortunately he is fine now.

my 19 year old daughter had the J&J shot last week on campus at Belmont University and she said she felt like she was hit by a train. had a fever, chills and headache and slept for like 18 hours. after that she felt fine. scary for me as my wife and I could not be there to check in on her.
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Well, it looks like the JnJ vaccine may be halted for use, at least temporarily. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...hnson-johnsons-covid-19-vaccine-idUSKBN2C01BC

I only know of one person who had this vaccine. 20-year old and he was sick for a couple of days after. Fortunately he is fine now.
So a vaccine that's allegedly going to save countless millions of lives is being pulled because of SIX rare blood clot deaths. Ah, the COVID farce just keeps getting better and better every single day....
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So a vaccine that's allegedly going to save countless millions of lives is being pulled because of SIX rare blood clot deaths. Ah, the COVID farce just keeps getting better and better every single day....
Actually only one has died

All six recipients were women between the ages of 18 and 48. One woman died and a second woman in Nebraska has been hospitalized in critical condition.

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almost 24 hours later and I feel fine aside from a really sore arm. I am beginning to worry that my immune system sucks or the vaccine didn't take.

Nah. You're good to go my guy.
I felt worse than my wife who just had a sore injection shot.

"Worse" isn't that big of a deal anyway. I just felt achy for a day with a mild headache
Day 3 I was back to 100% normal.
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So a vaccine that's allegedly going to save countless millions of lives is being pulled because of SIX rare blood clot deaths. Ah, the COVID farce just keeps getting better and better every single day....

out of more than 7 million vaccinations...

*insert Lloyd Christmas meme here*
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So a vaccine that's allegedly going to save countless millions of lives is being pulled because of SIX rare blood clot deaths. Ah, the COVID farce just keeps getting better and better every single day....
I was 3 days away from getting the J&J. I want to punch a wall now. Just the stupidest people making the stupidest decisions and messaging, nonstop.

I still want it.

It’s like some people don’t want this to end.
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They basically poison-pilled J&J. There’s no going back even if it turns out no causal relation between the vaccine and blood clots- which could be for 100s of other reasons, namely birth control. 6 cases! And not to trivalize a death but 1 possible-maybe-who-knows related death.

Can I find it on the black market now??Give me the jab.
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Everyone is different.

Also, you're probably going to die.

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I'm just annoyed because my wife got the J&J shot last week and has had a hell of a time with headaches so I'm kind of slightly concerned but her family is likely about to make those headaches and my annoyance a hell of a lot worse because they'll be freaking out over the news, which will just freak and stress my wife out. Wonderful...
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