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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Pfizer #1 done. Impressive mass vaccination at osu newark. Vaccinated about 60 people in 15 min.

Completely painless (though it just happened). Really light weight needle. Nothing like a tetanus shot.

Yeah, for some reason I was expecting them to come out with some monster thing... Pfizer (anyway) is just a pin prick.
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Indiana opened to 30+ yesterday so I’m finally on the books in 2 weeks for the J&J at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Done a lot of things at the track. Never thought “receiving a vaccine” would be one, but here we are.

For mine I drove through the Celeste center at the ohio state fairgrounds and Hank Williams Jr wasn't even playing!
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Wife and I got our second Moderna shot. We both got a sore arm but she had flu like symptoms for a day. She had gotten the Shingles vaccine months ago with minor discomfort but clearly this second shot of Moderna was less well tolerated by her system. Reactions to the various vaccines are all over the map. We treated with Tylenol and rest.

Be advised:
CDC recommends a separation of at least 2 weeks between any type of vaccine and the Covid vaccines. Clearly they suspect some interaction between vaccines.

(Maybe this will change with time.)
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I've read a number of articles that actually make the point that significant reaction to shot 2 is a good thing... signals the person's immunity sys was a good one

I had zero zilch nada a reaction to Moderna 2... so by deduction .. my immunity system was shit cuz it didn't fight back at all
My two young bucks had issues... the youngest 3 days of significant discomfort

Interesting household... I was all in for the vaccine ASAP... boys said no but ended up due to professions... and the women are anti-vaxers...
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Got Pfizer shot #1 yesterday. Had to drive out to Marysville, but from where we live in Hilliard that's not really that much further than going downtown or to the East side. The CVS out there had a great process, no wait, I was in and back on the road in about 20 minutes.

Wife isn't getting one at this point, due to being pregnant, but everyone else in our circle should be finished up in the next 3-4 weeks.
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I've read a number of articles that actually make the point that significant reaction to shot 2 is a good thing... signals the person's immunity sys was a good one

I had zero zilch nada a reaction to Moderna 2... so by deduction .. my immunity system was shit cuz it didn't fight back at all
My two young bucks had issues... the youngest 3 days of significant discomfort

Interesting household... I was all in for the vaccine ASAP... boys said no but ended up due to professions... and the women are anti-vaxers...

read the younger you are the more intense the reaction to shot 2. both of my inlaws had zero reactions to the 2nd Pfizer shot. but the science says they are equally protected 14 days after shot 2 as a younger person.
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