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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Guess you dont know anyone or come in contact with anyone over the age of 50? or the people you come into contact dont come into contact with folks in that age range?

The point was that those statistics closely resemble the flu until you get to 70 and there is some explanation in the article on that due to the small sample size. Tom Hanks is a diabetic, over 60, and making plenty of wise cracks concerning his diagnosis. I have no problem with the government giving stern warnings to the elderly with difficult health conditions, but I have a big problem with the government shutting down our society over a much tamer version of the common flu.
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A long article with lots of charts. graphs, numbers, and suggestions. I don't vouch for the bona fides but at least it's written in a matter of fact way.

So, this was really good and everyone should read it if they have time.

I only have one question... and this relates to the Korea/Singapore approach vs. the Italy approach...

But my question is, why is Italy out of control and other places in Europe aren't?

It looking more and more like Italy's patient zero was infected in Munich in late January... rather than someone directly from China. I mean, is having a really disproportionately older population enough?

(and I realize maybe more places will experience what Italy has in the coming days and weeks, of course)

I mean, long story short, there have to be some January cases in the rest of Europe (obviously Germany being one) why is Italy the worst impacted, I don't think anyone else there did much different through Feb, did they?
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