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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Posted this in the NBA thread:

Rudy’s teammate and star Donovan Mitchell has it now. This was him yesterday...maybe the Jazz players should stop talking shit about the virus?


Not uncommon for even top athletes to have heart/respiratory issues so hopefully youth/health is on their sides because this thing is/will spread. Nature of the beast.

Edit - also money. Money is on their side. Not too worried about people with resources being in danger, yet.
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Just called my Mom to apprise her of the situation. As mentioned previously, they're in San Juan, PR and their cruise, which they're scheduled to board tomorrow, was to drop them off in Barcelona in about two weeks, and they weren't planning to stay there. I suspect that if the cruise itself doesn't get cancelled at the last second due to Americans bailing, that they'll not end up boarding. Wonder if the cruise line would switch things up to do a UK drop off for Americans.

UPDATE: Cruise cancelled. Parents flying home tomorrow. If they can avoid getting infected in transit, they'll hunker down and most likely be fine.
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If you can't find toilet paper where you live there are readily available alternatives.


Or there's toilet paper with shit already on it:


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Wishful thinking that maybe as more people (more notable people?) get it and *fingers crossed* get back to good health we can get past the madness part faster?

It’s a virus that is absolutely spreading, but it seems there is a lot of COVID = death sentence/turn into a zombie rhetoric right now.

(In saying that, I probably just Jazz’d myself into catching it)
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Wishful thinking that maybe as more people (more notable people?) get it and *fingers crossed* get back to good health we can get past the madness part faster?

It’s a virus that is absolutely spreading, but it seems there is a lot of COVID = death sentence/turn into a zombie rhetoric right now.

(In saying that, I probably just Jazz’d myself into catching it)
the panic is cause by not knowing... we dont know the denominator number in the China or anywhere in the world except for a some small countries... if we had functional testing at the capacity the US SHOULD have this shouldn’t be an issue... I’m not really sure why testing for this thing has become a big issue other than the old adage - if you dont test for it how can it be present in your city/state/country.
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the panic is cause by not knowing... we dont know the denominator number in the China or anywhere in the world except for a some small countries... if we had functional testing at the capacity the US SHOULD have this shouldn’t be an issue... I’m not really sure why testing for this thing has become a big issue other than the old adage - if you dont test for it how can it be present in your city/state/country.
Agreed. I’ll take it to the poli board if I need, but I would feel way better if testing was freely and readily available for those who need/want it so we could sort this out. Not exactly the case with our healthcare setup so we end up with anarchy because no one knows.

Speaking of tests. NBA was apparently able to get 58 kits last night. Mitchell was the only positive. So that’s great.

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I'm waiting to get fucked in the ass by this thing, now. The silver lining is that I should have actual work until Monday or Wednesday (assuming they still tell me to come to the office tomorrow, because my work can't be done remotely). There's been no announcements, and because of the name, we'll be the last ones to close up shop, but given the momentum I know it's coming. I'm tempted to get out to a park today to get it in.
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Not uncommon for even top athletes to have heart/respiratory issues so hopefully youth/health is on their sides because this thing is/will spread. Nature of the beast.

Athletes could be especially vulnerable. They push themselves so hard they’re often already immuno-compromised after months of play and travel, and they live in close quarters and regularly share fluids and make bodily contact.
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