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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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I got blacked out at OSU in undergrad all the time, no virus named after a beer is going to get me. Nice try Corona.

For real though - people need to stop freaking the fuck out. Do your job to prevent spreading it, stop buying toilet paper in mass quantities.

Costco is going to have so much TP in a couple weeks it isn't going to be funny. Kind of like when they discontinued Mateos salsa so I bought 3 cases. Now they brought it back and I still have a case left.

Also can I petition to change the name from Covid-19 to the Ok Boomer virus?
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We've blown up our entire way of life for this nonsense.....

These are the COVID-19 mortality rates by age calculated by the Chinese CDC:

ages 10-19: 0.2%

ages 20-29: 0.2%

ages 30-39: 0.2%

ages 40-49: 0.4%

ages 50-59: 1.3%

ages 60-69: 3.6%

ages 70-79: 8%

80 and over: 14.8%

Guess you dont know anyone or come in contact with anyone over the age of 50? or the people you come into contact dont come into contact with folks in that age range?

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