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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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The bigger concern right now is that elementary aged children are showing to be very asymptomatic with the coronavirus. They're not exhibiting symptoms yet they still carry and spread the virus for 14 days. They're like little angels of death to unwittingly send over to grandma and grandpas.

Fortunately, I'm sure grandma and grandpa won't be the first people parents call to do some spot-babysitting duty.
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A warning from the Department Health and Human Service. Do NOT visit the website corona-virus-map<dot>com (modified the link name so the link won't actually appear in this post), which looks similar to the popular JHU site being used by media. Visiting the page loads the AZORult Trojan onto your computer/phone.
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Fuck....we're planning on a surprise visit to my parents this weekend, with 4 year old in tow. Dad has heart problems, mom is in and out of hospitals routinely. Probably should stay home?

Facetime is your friend right now ... sucks man but yeah I wouldn’t go just to be safe
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