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Confirmed: D. Washington, Clifford, O'Neal

buckeyes_rock;1138022; said:
Can't imagine what JL, Jenkins, Freeman, and Boone might have to say to these guys if the rumors are true. Talk about putting your team first.

I know we just need to wait this out. But I can't help but ask...any chance this is one of those unspecified team violations and not necessarily a drug test?

Boone might have the most clout here. It's pretty well documented, and admitted by Alex that he had a real knack for "throwing'em back" so to say when he got here. Alex got busted for DUI and completely turned it around after that incident. I'm sure every single one of the "alleged" offenders are aware of that incident and should have used it as an eye opener, especially from a player of Alex's stature.

That being said, I find it hard to crucify some kid for smoking pot. I know it's illegal, but to some it's part of the young adult lifestyle, especially in college. We talk here about what a privelage it is to play at TOSU and rightfully so, but in reality these student-athletes are about the most irrelevent contributors to society that exist, same as any professional athlete is. They are great at a sport that we find "entertaining" as fans and spend big money to watch them and spend countless hours here on the internet talking about them. I couldn't give a rats-ass if these guys party or not. They are entertainers, plain and simple. Same as I don't care that Snoop-Dog gets high or that Keith Richards is a heroin addict. The powers that be out there are holding these guys to a higher standard than those who really matter. Does the pharmacist down the road have to piss in a cup every couple months, when he could conceivably prescribe "Paxil" instead of "Plavix" to a heart patient after he smoked a doob? Are surgeons, pilots, or school bus drivers subjected to random tests?

Obviously, this is only my own sorted opinion. Bottom line is the kids broke the rules, and as we all know, "rules are rules." But, in the grand scheme of things, are the "rules" really necessary?

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WoodyWorshiper;1138602; said:
But, in the grand scheme of things, are the "rules" really necessary? Peace.
Absolutely necessary!
And what is even more important Is the trust that the players and coaches have in each other not only to play up to their potential but also to perform as part of a team and not be impaired in either capacity.
Who would like to be on the field and know that that other guy is "feeling mellow" or isnt holding up his part and can't be trusted to do so.
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WoodyWorshiper;1138602; said:
Obviously, this is only my own sorted opinion. Bottom line is the kids broke the rules, and as we all know, "rules are rules." But, in the grand scheme of things, are the "rules" really necessary?

I pretty much agreed with everything in your post, but I do think that whether the rules are necessary or not is irrelevant; they are rules, as you stated. That's all that matters. When these kids signed their letters of intent, they agreed to abide by team rules. They should either live up to it, or be punished appropriately (if they did, in fact, break the rules).
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Best Buckeye;1138609; said:
Absolutely necessary!
And what is even more important Is the trust that the players and coaches have in each other not only to play up to their potential but also to perform as part of a team and not be impaired in either capacity.
Who would like to be on the field and know that that other guy is "feeling mellow" or isnt holding up his part and can't be trusted to do so.

Always respect your opinion Best, but I highly (no pun intended) doubt that Washington, Clifford, and whoever else may be involved here are stoned on game day. Also, marijuana shows up in routine tests as long as 30 days after use, and has been found in hair follicles up to a year after use.

Following that parameter, what about alcohol? I remember when Steve Bell's got his DUI. He registered a level that would have made him legally drunk in class the next day, and seriously under the influence at practice. Why don't they test the guys who sit in their apartments, drink a 12 pack of beer from 7:00pm on friday until midnight, then get up and go play a football game on saturday with about a .06 - .08 BAC left in them?

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If I was playing on a team , any team , I would not want a teammate who is not 100% for any reason, drugs , alcohol, whatever. Players are held responsible by their teammates and the fans to be ready to play. I would want them to be as ready as I to play.
And you can say this isn't tested for or that but the fact is that drug testing is the norm and players have to abide by that.
Lets just suppose that you are on a team and one of your teammates allows a catch and run that beats you and you know he is a druggie, How would you feel? what if that player lost a scum game because of it? or the NC game?
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Here is my take...

I hope Tressel keeps them on the team and that the football team and community try and help these kids out. These kids are expected to give themselves to the football program and the University and rightly so, but at the same time, they are a part of a community that should reach out to them. Marijuana may not be any more dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes, but those things are dangerous enough IMO and right or wrong, Marijuana is illegal. With proper support I think these kids can kick it, live better lives, and still contribute on and off the field. Throw them to the curb and it does no one any good.

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Alcohol is far more worse than MJ is, it's a well documented fact...

It isn't a public fact.... because that would mean people who hate the 'Devil's Harvest' have to look at themselves differently for chugging down that 6 pack.

MJ doesn't HAVE to be smoked, so you can in fact avoid the carcinogens

Obviously these guys are not sitting around baking MJ brownies, and probably smoking really fat blunts. but thing is, that is still better to do the day before than to even drink alcohol, if you have to party.

Here is a link for all the people who scream for links from people who claim facts.. this is just one I found EASILY, when typing 'Alcohol worse than MJ'.

Alcohol, Tobacco Worse Than Illegal Drugs?, British Study Finds Them More Dangerous Than Some Illegal Narcotics - CBS News


I don't agree with the player's behavior, and I will agree with their punishments. But for f@cks sake pple, let's get our knowledge up to par and out of the 50s, 60s, and 70s and more up to today's scientific knowledge..

I don't drink, and I don't smoke cigs, but I do occasionally party with that female (miss jane) and it makes me kinda peeved when people act like they are better than others because they don't smoke pot, but indulge in conceivably far worse things..

Hold the athletes accountable, but please stop acting like they were sniffing cocaine off of each other's locker mirrors.

I just have a feeling this wouldn't be so large of a deal, if it were only alcohol.

**I hear this weekend is going to be great weather... I'm excited!**
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3074326;1138670; said:
If alcohol were a violation of team rules, then it would be just as big of a deal.

The big deal I was referring to, was the spectacle being played out here and on other message boards from the fans, I'm not talking about the reaction from the University, or coaching staff... We know what they have to do.
Rules is Rules
You can learn that in the army.

On a side note, what caused Boone to come out and talk about his Beer thing, was it just the output he was giving at practice and people noticed?
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Kueller;1138673; said:
I'm not familiar with the team rules, is underage drinking against them?

Are there any specific rules about drinking at all? Very curious.

You know, I'm not sure. I made that statement assuming that the players were allowed to drink if they were of age, but I really don't know.
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Why is it that every time someone gets busted for smoking pot, someone brings up alcohol? It doesn't matter whether you think pot is safer or better or less addictive or whatever.... at this present time, alcohol is legal (at a certain age) and pot is not. Period.
I am so tired of these, "fuck the rules, I'm (insert name here) and I can do whatever I want." If the rumor is true, I say kick all their asses off the team and set an example.
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Again, this rumor has not been confirmed. The sports administration spokespeople confirm that the players are not suspended. We don't know if they actually failed a drug test or, if they did, if the test result was confirmed in a second test. Even if they did fail, the indications of the test in respect of a particular drug remain pure speculation.

So, I'm not calling anyone out, but why are we discussing the merits of alcohol versus marijuana? Why call for players to be kicked off the team?

If anything, Coach Tressel has shown us that he is not the kind of coach who takes rules violations lightly. His values also do not appear to be negotiable, depending on the need for a particular player in the lineup. If these guys are guilty of violating team rules, he will decide how severe the offense is and structure the penalty accordingly.

Personally, I am quite happy to leave the matter to Coach Tressel.
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I'll be a little less subtle than Steve - stay on topic on this thread. If you want to debate pot vs. booze, than start another thread in the GD forum...or better yet, the political forum.

We will not tolerate bashing of players - of any kind, so be very cautious with what you say. May I also reiterate what Steve said, and remind everyone that nothing has been proven. All of these comments and opinions are based off nothing but hearsay. I, for one, have a problem with advocating the expulsion of team members based on nothing but rumor (if that). I can't help but think how easy it would be for me to start a rumor like this, if I but wanted to. I don't think that's the case here, but it very well may not be as serious as some seem to think. Maybe it is. But let's wait to find out before we start nailing people to crosses.
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WoodyWorshiper;1138602; said:
That being said, I find it hard to crucify some kid for smoking pot. I know it's illegal, but to some it's part of the young adult lifestyle, especially in college. We talk here about what a privelage it is to play at TOSU and rightfully so, but in reality these student-athletes are about the most irrelevent contributors to society that exist, same as any professional athlete is. They are great at a sport that we find "entertaining" as fans and spend big money to watch them and spend countless hours here on the internet talking about them. I couldn't give a rats-ass if these guys party or not. They are entertainers, plain and simple.

Does the pharmacist down the road have to piss in a cup every couple months, when he could conceivably prescribe "Paxil" instead of "Plavix" to a heart patient after he smoked a doob? Are surgeons, pilots, or school bus drivers subjected to random tests?

I second Dub's motion
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