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Coming Soon (New Movies)

It would be very cool if people posted a title and a brief description instead of just a youtube vid. I don't have flash player on my work computer and I usually only get on BP while I'm getting paid, so I have no idea what's so fucking funny/cool/awesome/stupid.


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BUCKYLE;2152039; said:
It would be very cool if people posted a title and a brief description instead of just a youtube vid. I don't have flash player on my work computer and I usually only get on BP while I'm getting paid, so I have no idea what's so fucking funny/cool/awesome/stupid.



The fuck is this Burger King? You having it YOUR way?
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BUCKYLE;2152041; said:
Don't make me neg rep you til you're a scum sympathizer. I don't want to. But I will. Now go back and edit all of your posts to include a brief synopsis.


Titles posted under the movie trailer, just for Kyle. Can't break the rep circle now! :paranoid:
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Rock Of Ages

Based on the Broadway musical....

I went to high school in the late 70's and college in the early 80's....Gotta go see this......As bad as it will probably be....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USxhXb5VC5E&ob=av3n"]Rock Of Ages Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
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I'm excited for the new batman, Bourne, Adam sandier movie coming out in June, The Campaign with Ferrell and Galifianakis looks hilarious, and the new Vince Vaughn/Ben Stiller "The Watch" should be great too
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