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Coming Soon (New Movies)

The Dude Goes to Washington

Announced ? The Big Lebowski 2: The Dude Goes To Washington

Hollywood, CA ? Exciting news for Big Lebowski fans everywhere has just been announced. A sequel to the 1998 cult classic is said to begin filming sometime this October. The story centers around Jeff Bridges as Jeff ?The Dude? Lebowski and Walter Sobchak who is played by John Goodman. The two have just learned that their bowling alley will be closing in exactly one week to make way for a parking garage all at the hands of a corrupt and evil land owner named Bavarian Illuminati, who is played by Bill Murray.
The pair decide to seek out the help of The Dude?s only son Mark Lebowski, played by Jesse Eisenberg, who was conceived in the first movie. The Dude?s son is now 18 years of age and just happens to be the youngest congressman in the history of the United States.
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Sounds like a hoax...

I'm skeptical.

from the link:

Making a return is Julianne Moore as Maude Lebowski. Also returning is Philip Seymour Hoffman as Brandt who is said to be acting as help for the “The Dude” and Walter as they make their way to Washington. In addition, accompanying the trio to D.C. is Jesus Quintana, played by John Turturro. It’s still unclear if Tara Reid will be appearing in the film. It’s rumored that the Coen brothers were so angry after she leaked the project back in 2011 that they pulled her from the film. Sources close to the film say that special guest appearances will be made by Rand and Ron Paul.


The scheduled release date for “The Big Lebowski 2: The Dude Goes To Washington” is said to be sometime around the Summer of 2015.

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FCollinsBuckeye;2172065; said:
Sounds like a hoax...

I'm skeptical.

from the link:


Keep in mind the same site has a story on it's front page titled "Gay Zombie Attack In Louisiana From Bath Salts Leaves 7 Dead"

A quote from the story....

Tom Hardly a 27 year veteran priest for the church said, “I just gave the boy the normal dose of bath salts that any other priest would give to one of their alter boys. I didn’t know Brandon would just snap like that. I’m lucky to be alive.”

I also has a story about Obama signing a law making it legal to waterboard marijuana users.

In other words, it's a joke site.

edit: or read the comments in the article. From the author


If you’ve made it this far, I hope you enjoyed the story. Unfortunately this is not true. And no, this article is not meant as humor. This is kind of like wishful thinking and my own personal tribute to one of the greatest movies ever made… and also to make fun of my friend Steve who thinks I wear Tapout and Affliction t-shirts.

Actually after reading my story again, it doesn’t add up. If The Dude’s bowling alley ever closed down, I’m pretty sure he would just say “bummer man” and then find another spot to bowl… not go all the way to Washington to fight it. But since his son was a congressman there, you could probably work it in somehow to get him motivated enough to make the journey. Plus with Brandt, Walter and Jesus helping along the way, anything could be possible.
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Total Recall

I am not sure how I feel about this....one of my all time favorite Arnold movies being remade....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pV2zz3z0oM"]Total Recall (2012) - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
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Didn't know that this Ender's Game movie finally got off the ground. Release date is October/November 2013.

Cast looks good but the fact that Orson Scott Card is involved in the production himself lowers my expectations for the film. Mainly based on the amount of suckage the sequels to the books contained. Also there is this quote " In his account of visiting the set and recording a cameo line, Card explains that ?very few of the scenes in this movie [come from the book]?, and he is totally in favor of that."


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BoxCar_Willie;2205395; said:
Cast looks good but the fact that Orson Scott Card is involved in the production himself lowers my expectations for the film.

IME Card is a whack job. He honestly seems to believe that Ender's Game is the most significant piece of military sci-fi of the past 50 years.
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