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Coming Soon (New Movies)

Bucklion;2231345; said:
The new trailer for Rob Zombie's "Lords of Salem" is up on IMDB...I suck at embedding or I would. It looks all kinds of fucked up, but it could be pretty good...

Rob Zombie?

Pass. I don't require his "re-envisioned" redneck, trailer trash concepts of characters and thus entire movies.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLR3HrV71yM"]G.I. Joe Retaliation Trailer #3 (2012) - Dwayne Johnson Movie - YouTube[/ame]

The first one was terrible. I have hopes this is better.

Any trailer that uses Lupe Fiasco has my vote, and while Little Weapon is one of my favorite songs from him - it doesn't quite fit for the movie.
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Benedict Cumberbatch as the next Star Trek villain? Yes, please.

I think Mrs. Katt had a nerdgasm when she saw him in the preview yesterday.
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