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Coming Soon (New Movies)

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'Veronica Mars' film a go, thanks to a kick from Kickstarter

The success of the $2-million Kickstarter campaign in support of 'Veronica Mars,' a TV show that has been off the air for more than five years, illustrates the power of social media and its potential to reshape the economics of Hollywood.

Illustrating the power of social media, more than 30,000 fans of the cult favorite television series "Veronica Mars" pledged $2 million in a single day - or 10 hours, to be exact - to finance an independent film based on the teen drama.

The overnight success of the fundraising effort - the biggest film campaign in Kickstarter history, and the fastest to reach the $1-million threshold - represents a milestone in Hollywood moviemaking economics. It demonstrates that devoted fan communities can rally to support projects that mainstream studios might otherwise reject.

Already, prominent television producers are contemplating using crowd funding to finance passion projects and give afterlife to other defunct series. The morning after "Veronica Mars" reached its $2-million goal, Bryan Fuller, creator of ABC's "Pushing Daisies," emailed his agent to see if he too could use the crowd-funding site to resurrect his fan-loved show about a man who can bring people back to life.

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