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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

BuckTwenty;2175434; said:
We might have trouble attracting Euro players, but we've had little trouble getting really quality players from South America. I'd like to think that GBS's success with our club had a thing to do with that. We've also gotten some street cred in the Caribbean and Latin America with how we've done in the CONCACAF Champions League, which has brought us a couple of good prospects this year from Costa Rica (Vargas & Arrieta). I'm not sure what we could do to get into Europe and do better in attracting some bigger names over there, but as long as we keep focusing on and pulling really quality players out of South America, I'm pretty darn happy with that.

I'm a little worried in pulling in a big name, to be completely honest. The guys we've been taking in have been great team players, with the exception of the DP we brought in last year (can't remember his name for the life of me, but it wasn't worth remembering anyways). I'm worried that a big name would think he's bigger than the club... and there's no room for that kind of player on this team.

Excellent points all.

I agree, there isn't necessarily much the club can do right now to increase their chances of attracting Euro players. I appreciate the effort they are making, but for now it seems to be largely a matter of culture and geography. I think at some point the league will reach a critical mass of European players. that will make it more likely that Columbus will start getting their share. For now though, like you said, the club is doing a fine job of attracting players from Central and South America.

Also, you're right about DPs and other big name players not always being all they are cracked up to be. It's worth noting that last year's LA team was the first one to win the cup with a DP. While I think that will eventually become the norm, there's no reason yet to think that a team can't be successful without one in the near and intermediate future.
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The Crew open the scoring in the 64th minute. Against the run of play, Mirosevic scored in a header off a corner. He was unmarked in a near-post run that acted as a pick, with two Montreal defenders running into each other.
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What a lousy way to close out the match. All in all, a rather cynical performance - too many handballs to count, Renteria's chippiness, the penalty, and an unwillingness/inability to move without the ball, get forward and create chances. Yuck.
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jlb1705;2178749; said:
Down 0:1 after a half hour vs. KC, the Crew are creating chances but the finishing leaves a lot to be desired.

I see no positive reason as to why Arrieta is sharing the field with FUCKING Renteria. As soon as Renteria gets the ball, his eyes go straight to his feet, and no one else sees the ball. There was a moment in the first half where had Renteria been looking up, the score may have been tied had he made a pass to Arrieta.

Would love to see Vargas and Mirosevic come on in the second half for Gaven/Tchani and Renteria.

I like trying Bernardo Anor out at LB tonight. Would really provide a scoring threat to that position that the Crew haven't had. His free kick shots have been on the mark so far and he's been moving the ball REALLY well with Marem on that left sideline.
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This Kamara fuckstick for Kansas City needs to stop standing over injured fucking players.... And the ref needs to do a better job of making sure shit like that doesn't happen. This ref clearly has no balls, or he would have sent off Renteria for headbutting Nagamura.
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TooTallMenardo;2178760; said:
This Kamara fuckstick for Kansas City needs to stop standing over injured fucking players.... And the ref needs to do a better job of making sure shit like that doesn't happen. This ref clearly has no balls, or he would have sent off Renteria for headbutting Nagamura.

Yeah, really suprised Renteria isn't gone, really easy red card to give.
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RocketBuckeye;2178762; said:
Yeah, really suprised Renteria isn't gone, really easy red card to give.

Further reason of why he should be no where near the pitch right now... He can't contain his emotions, he can't score a fucking goal, he can't pass the ball.... He does NOTHING well, everything is either average or below average.

It's really a shame they had to take Arrieta off in favor of Duka and not Renteria for Duka.... Would have liked to see Arrieta get some more time with the first teamers. God knows, if he isn't performing (and even sometimes if he IS, see Marem), Warzycha will bench him.
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As much as it pains me to say this, I think it's time the Crew move in a new direction and give Warzycha his walking papers. IMO, he's never had great game-by-game strategy, he's always making questionable substitutions, and I don't think he's got this team playing on top form as they SHOULD BE considering it's July 14th.
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I'm watching the replay of tonight's match already knowing the results ? a 1-0 for the Crew. It has been a much more entertaining match than the last few. The Crew took the initiative. Granted, they were helped a lot by DC's shit back line. Still, it's nice to see a bit of the beautiful game from Columbus. Birchall's run and Arietta's through ball were something to behold.

Tuesday night is the friendly against Stoke. I think it's great that they managed to bring an EPL side to Columbus, but this is a matchup I couldn't be less interested in. Stoke bores the shit out of me. I hope the people who bought tickets get to see more than Stoke holding the ball around the touchline trying to set up long throws for Rory Delap.
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jlb1705;2182196; said:
I'm watching the replay of tonight's match already knowing the results ? a 1-0 for the Crew. It has been a much more entertaining match than the last few. The Crew took the initiative. Granted, they were helped a lot by DC's shit back line. Still, it's nice to see a bit of the beautiful game from Columbus. Birchall's run and Arietta's through ball were something to behold.

Tuesday night is the friendly against Stoke. I think it's great that they managed to bring an EPL side to Columbus, but this is a matchup I couldn't be less interested in. Stoke bores the shit out of me. I hope the people who bought tickets get to see more than Stoke holding the ball around the touchline trying to set up long throws for Rory Delap.

Arrieta proved why he should, without a doubt, be starting over Renteria.... SO much more control on the ball, the ability to create chances for himself, and decent passing ability. Some things Arrieta has and Renteria doesn't. Birchall has been the best signing of the last year and a half. Him and Mendez, I couldn't be more impressed.

The back line played absolutely phenomenal. Josh Williams looks like he's found his comfort zone at LB. It'll be nice to see him and Vukovic split time out there.

IMO, the Crew have a decent shot at getting a draw or win against Stoke. As you said, their play is boring as shit. The only thing that Stoke has over the Crew is a 7 bajillion foot striker. :lol:
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Crew just took the lead on Stoke... This could be a potentially HUGE win for the Crew. Goals by Horton and Speas definitely make things look more promising!

EDIT: I take that back. The Crew just beat Stoke City!!!!!!! Huge victory!
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