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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

TooTallMenardo;2184361; said:
Crew just took the lead on Stoke... This could be a potentially HUGE win for the Crew. Goals by Horton and Speas definitely make things look more promising!

EDIT: I take that back. The Crew just beat Stoke City!!!!!!! Huge victory!

I ended up watching the stream out of the corner of my eye during the Reds game. I figured I'd be bored by it, but I gotta support the Crew. The first half was lousy and lived up to my expectations. The second half was very entertaining though. Columbus controlled the match from that point on, and deserved the win.

All in all, a nice first half to my soccer doubleheader tonight, with LA Galaxy vs. Spurs coming up on ESPN3 at 10:30.
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jlb1705;2184365; said:
I ended up watching the stream out of the corner of my eye during the Reds game. I figured I'd be bored by it, but I gotta support the Crew. The first half was lousy and lived up to my expectations. The second half was very entertaining though. Columbus controlled the match from that point on, and deserved the win.

All in all, a nice first half to my soccer doubleheader tonight, with LA Galaxy vs. Spurs coming up on ESPN3 at 10:30.

A game in which 77% of people picked LA on Yahoo! Sports pick em
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Cornerback6;2184408; said:
I was at the game tonight and I have to say that the Crew must have had 6-8 incredibly great looks versus Stoke City's 2. Possession domination for sure.

That's what I like to hear. Further building on that possession success they found against DC!
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We have our DP.


Crew signs Argentine striker Federico Higuain as third Designated Player in Club history

The Columbus Crew announced today that it has acquired forward Federico Higuain from Club Atletico Col?n of Argentina?s Primera Division. Higuain becomes the third Designated Player in club history and will be available for selection upon receipt of his International Transfer Certificate and work visa. Per club and league rules no further terms of the deal were disclosed.
?On behalf of our club, we are extremely excited to bring another world class player to Crew fans and to the Columbus market,? said Crew President and General Manager Mark McCullers. ?Federico is a talented, technical and speedy attacking player who will add another dimension to our offense. I must commend our technical director Brian Bliss and Tim Bezbatchenko from the league staff for their expertise and diligence in seeing this complicated and lengthy negotiation to fruition.?
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Hmm! A name like Higuain sounds pretty awesome on the Crew. :lol: Too bad it's not Gonzalo.

Crew play KC tonight on the road. They NEED at least a point.

EDIT: Older brother of Gonzalo. I like him already!
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Crew tie it on the left boot of Jairo Arrieta! Love the energy this guy brings to the table. Crew have an excellent opportunity of winning out of this 4-3-3 formation. I love Marem and Duka playing on the wings and allowing Arrieta the space in the box to create scoring chances.
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