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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

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Costly error from the Hammer brings Houston level. It was a laser of a shot from outside the box, and he tried to catch it instead of punching it clear and conceding the corner. The ball slipped thru his hands and got past him and over the line.
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Couldn't be any more impressed with Higuain. I was expecting very little when he came in. The dude hustled, had great touch on the ball, made some great 1-2 passes and combined really well with our players on offense (particularly Arrieta, which is AWESOME), and took the most dangerous free kick outside the box this team has taken since Guille left. We FINALLY found a guy that can take our direct free kicks. I really can't remember the last time I saw a Crew player curve a ball over a wall and have it dip like that. If that was 2-3 feet to the right, that was goal #3 and a big W on the road, because Talley Hall never saw that coming.

Tough way to take a 2-2 draw, but you gotta take the points on the road when you can. Have to make up 6 more points to catch DC for that final playoff spot. Big ups to Cole Grossman getting his first goal in a Crew kit, as well!
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The play between Arrieta and Higuain is awfully fun to watch. Those two look like they have immediate chemistry together and they play so well off each other.

TFC are lucky they didn't lose this one 4-1. Both Arrieta and Birchall independently came inches away from seeing the score sheet tonight. Really like Mirosevic playing a more reserved central mid role than a withdrawn forward role (that just never seemed to be working), and Renteria seems to always play like a man on fire when he's put out at wide mid, for whatever reason. Just wish he would learn to play with his left foot every once in a while instead of being so damn dependent on his right.

It looks like we're FINALLY "getting it" on offense. The passes look like they're coming so much easier the past 2-3 games. Arrieta and Higuain look like the catalysts for this team going forward, as long as our D can keep playing like they have all year long. Big ups to Bliss and his bunch for getting those two signed late in the game. They're really trying hard to get a good product on the field and it shows. I just hope we haven't started "getting it" too late to get back in on this playoff race... but the scoring should definetly bring some more souls out to the ballpark.
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