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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

I couldn't be happier with how Columbus is starting to develop their chemistry. Marem looks to be a keeper. Dude just knows how to score goals. That makes 4 in his last 3 appearances?

Nothing more to say about that Renteria goal other than WOW!

One of the biggest wins ever for the Crew.
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This team still has a lot of questions. One of the biggest is how the heck is this team shooting such a low amount of their shots on goal, yet scoring on 100% of those shots on goal in the last 2 games? Hard to argue with the results, but we have GOT to put more on frame. As guys get healthy, hopefully we'll put more shots on goal and be stouter at center back. That said, get well soon, Danny O'Rourke. Hoping he doesn't miss another significant piece of time.

For a team as injury plagued as Columbus has been, to get a 2-0 win at Seattle should do HUGE things to the confidence of this team. Renteria's goal alone should do wonders for his confidence. This was one of the biggest upsets of year thus far in MLS, without a doubt. Hoping we can ride this momentum going forward.
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BuckTwenty;2159010; said:
This team still has a lot of questions. One of the biggest is how the heck is this team shooting such a low amount of their shots on goal, yet scoring on 100% of those shots on goal in the last 2 games? Hard to argue with the results, but we have GOT to put more on frame. As guys get healthy, hopefully we'll put more shots on goal and be stouter at center back. That said, get well soon, Danny O'Rourke. Hoping he doesn't miss another significant piece of time.

For a team as injury plagued as Columbus has been, to get a 2-0 win at Seattle should do HUGE things to the confidence of this team. Renteria's goal alone should do wonders for his confidence. This was one of the biggest upsets of year thus far in MLS, without a doubt. Hoping we can ride this momentum going forward.

I think Jairo Arrieta will have something to say about this come July.

45 goals in 5 years with Saprissa surely is promising. Him alongside Meram at LM, Gaven/Mirosevic at CAM, and Duka at RM would be a nice attack.

I loved the 4-5-1 formation Warzycha ran against Seattle. Definitely where Duka and Meram thrive.
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Agreed TTM. Jairo is going to be a real shot-in-the-arm for our offense once he can get on the field. Dude is a spark plug and has a real knack for the goal.

jlb1705;2158571; said:
Sounders doing their best Mexico imitation. Go down dos a cero, then start playing like thugs.

The MLS Disciplinary Comittee announced today that Seattle's Oswaldo Alonso will get a 2-game suspension for that double-footed, studs up tackle he did late in the game on Cole Grossman. There's a video of the challenge at the link. That's a red in any league, in any language, in any country. He went in with that challenge with intent to injure. It was a no-call here in MLS. Ridiculous. At least the disciplinary committee did something to help right the wrong.

In other news, I can't find the link anymore, but Andy "The Hebrew Hammer" Grenenbaum won save of the week in MLS with his PK save on MLS Golden Boot leader Chris Wondolowski. That's the first time in a LONG time that a Crew player has won a fan voted-on award.
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jlb1705;2160366; said:
The Crew lost 2-1 in their US Open Cup match against winless third-division side Dayton Dutch Lions. :shake:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the US Open Cup, they run a lot of non-starters out there. US Open is pretty useless, IMO.

No MLS points on the line=me not interested
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TooTallMenardo;2160430; said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the US Open Cup, they run a lot of non-starters out there. US Open is pretty useless, IMO.

No MLS points on the line=me not interested

It's the equivalent of the FA Cup in America. If we were winning it this year, I doubt we'd pretend that it didn't matter. And I bet Dayton doesn't think that it is useless.
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TooTallMenardo;2160430; said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the US Open Cup, they run a lot of non-starters out there. US Open is pretty useless, IMO.

No MLS points on the line=me not interested

True, but I would hope the Crew bench could come thru against a bad side like that one. The Open Cup does become more interesting if you make it thru to the later rounds. It's not like there are a lot of opportunities for silverware for MLS teams.

Oh well. A handful of other MLS sides lost their matches too. LA, Chicago and New England all went down to lower-division sides. I saw a tweet from Grant Wahl saying that New England led 3-0 in extra time and somehow ended up going to penalties where they lost. :lol:

EDIT: Houston, Dallas and Salt Lake also lost.
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