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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

Why are they still crossing the fucking ball in? They went with a smaller lineup, and they are still playing like they have Vargas and Schoenfeld out there. Warzycha's seat should be getting really hot, even though I know it never will.

The team looked great moving the ball, pressing forward, and getting shots off. Yet they still lose. Something is broken, and needs to be fixed.
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Shit luck. On the whole they played well enough to win if not draw. They need Arrietta in the worst way. I've seen a lot of chances left begging in the action I've seen this year. Need players with a nose for goal.
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jlb1705;2148956; said:
Shit luck. On the whole they played well enough to win if not draw. They need Arrietta in the worst way. I've seen a lot of chances left begging in the action I've seen this year. Need players with a nose for goal.

Schoenfeld just isn't ready to be a starting MLS forward. I'd love for him to ALWAYS be Olman Vargas' sub, and only that. We don't need two 6'4" goons on the pitch, in the attacking third, at the same time.

Perfect scenario, Arrieta comes in and lives up to his hype, replaces Renteria as the other starting forward. Hopefully THEN, this team will have enough attacking presence on the pitch to actually put points on the board.

At this point, I can't pay to see this shit live right now.
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"Crew Sign Trinidad & Tobago International Midfielder Chris Birchall" -- thecrew.com

Should help our depth in midfield pretty much immediately. Interesting tidbit: doesn't look like we had to give up anything for him... was not playing with LA this year. Has 36 caps for T&T. Will Hesmer goes to the Season Ending Injury List to make room for Birchall.

Whether or not Birchall makes a splash for us, it's nice to see the Crew FO trying to make some waves and not standing idly by.
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In case you missed it last night:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2AZ2MvDwT4"]GOAL 20 yard header by Sebastian Miranda leads the Columbus Crew to victory over FC Dallas - YouTube[/ame]

If it's even possible to have a GOLAZO from a header, that would be it. Incredible power and precision to get it on frame and past a keeper (even a screened one) from that distance. According to Miranda and thecrew.com, that was the first time in his 10-year career he had scored from a header. Wow.
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Great win Saturday night. I don't know if we get any points out of the next two matches, so getting three this week was very important.

How good has Josh Williams been? Conversely, how bad has Renteria been? He's a hard worker, and can be a spark plug out there, but Meram has shown a lot of skill and creativity in his last couple of appearance. Renteria has shown zero touch, and can't seem to anticipate any of his teammates movements. Despite not having much PT, Meram didn't seem to have that problem.

Who else wants to punch Tchani in the neck? There's no excuse for not defending on the Dallas goal. I don't give a shit if he thought it was a close call (it really wasn't), stopping and complaining over a close call never works out. He also had a bonehead turnover, after Meram's goal, that cost us another chance. Luckily, Vukovic served up his one good corner kick, and Miranda had that amazing header to give us the W.
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Halftime in Seattle, the Crew have a 1-0 lead against the run of play on the strength of a goal by the skunkbear (Meram), his third in as many games. This is going much like Saturday's game in San Jose, with the opponent getting chance after chance and the Crew using a lot of energy on defense. Hopefully they can come up with a second goal.

They have also sustained another injury, this time it was O'Rourke being taken off on a stretcher with what appeared to be a serious ankle problem.
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Columbus is up right now 1-0 AT western conference power Seattle at halftime. Fox Sports Ohio. The Crew is certainly packed things in in the first half, but there's likely to be more fireworks in the second stanza.

EDIT: beat me to it, jlb :biggrin:
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After seeing the replay of O'Rourke's injury, I'll be surprised if he didn't tear something. He went up for a 50/50 ball, came down on the side of his left foot and rolled his ankle all the way over.

On related note, I wish they'd get rid of artificial pitches in this league.
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Hopefully that secures the points.

The Crew have scored on their last three shots on goal, dating back to last Saturday's game in San Jose. On the one hand, that's a pitiful number of chances. On the other hand, they converting those chances into goals and points in the table.
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