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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

IronBuckI;2169025; said:
How the hell do I order Nordecke season tickets for the rest of this season? Ticketmaster offers every section except for the sold out field seats, and the not sold out Nordecke.

I tried that very same thing about a month ago with the same result. Couldn't figure it out.

The FO has had a couple of sales on their season tickets, but they've been for seats that would be considered less than ideal.
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BuckTwenty;2169058; said:
I tried that very same thing about a month ago with the same result. Couldn't figure it out.

The FO has had a couple of sales on their season tickets, but they've been for seats that would be considered less than ideal.
Yeah, there's the sales, and there's also the ability to lockdown tickets for the World Cup qualifier on Sept. 11.

If I can't get it in Nordecke, I'll probably just buy them somewhere in the west stands. That way I don't have to stare into the sun for the first half of the games.
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That's what Shaun gets.... Supposed to be hanging with the fans that made the trip to Chicago last week, instead he's out taking photos with Fire fans... Fuck him. Good riddance.

And this is clearly a move to make roster space for Arrieta, and one to two other players to be signed during the transfer window. Some interesting names are out there (the bigger names: Alessandro Nesta and Alessandro Del Piero).

I honestly believe the Crew have a chance at landing Nesta... He claims he hasn't received any offers from the MLS. If the big market teams aren't as interested, will he still want to come to the MLS? The MLS could use more European stars in the league to help globalize the brand.
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mlssoccer.com - "Columbus preparing to make major signing, possible DP"

...with quotes straight from the horse's mouth. Really good info. Sounds like we needed to cut one for sure by July 1st. The other two were to make cap room and clear roster spots for a potential signing or two. It was either cut those guys now or never.

Sounds like their #1 target is a European too, TTM. Nesta??
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BuckTwenty;2171791; said:
mlssoccer.com - "Columbus preparing to make major signing, possible DP"

...with quotes straight from the horse's mouth. Really good info. Sounds like we needed to cut one for sure by July 1st. The other two were to make cap room and clear roster spots for a potential signing or two. It was either cut those guys now or never.

Sounds like their #1 target is a European too, TTM. Nesta??

Nesta would be my pipe dream. There's a few other names, Del Piero who's been rumored to be interested in a possible move to the MLS, as well as Andriy Shevchenko. If Shevchenko or Nesta ended up on the Crew, I would shit bricks...

Also hearing names like Ryan Babel (super young dutch player) and Freddie Ljundberg being thrown around. Would love Babel, do not want Ljundberg. He was a mess in Seattle.
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BuckTwenty;2174561; said:
Well there you have it...

Nesta officially to the Montreal Impact

1.5 year contract, will not be a DP for Montreal. Got first dibs on him over NYRB in exchange for allocation money. Wonder if this signing (and NE's recent DP signing) will shake loose any other big signings for the league... **fingers crossed for Columbus**

Man, mad props to Montreal for making that happen.
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Despite the club's efforts, I don't think you'll see a recognizable name from Europe signing with Columbus anytime soon. There are too many disadvantages here compared to the rest of the league in terms of market size, culture, support, and facilities.

I hope I'm wrong.
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jlb1705;2174634; said:
Despite the club's efforts, I don't think you'll see a recognizable name from Europe signing with Columbus anytime soon. There are too many disadvantages here compared to the rest of the league in terms of market size, culture, support, and facilities.

I hope I'm wrong.

This is the one time I wish Nationwide was a BIG sponsor of the Crew, so some of these things listed wouldn't be true. But as it stands now, you are absolutely right. It was just blind optimism on my part. I saw a world class defender claiming he hadn't "received any offers from the MLS", and thought that Columbus should at least extend an offer for his services.
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TooTallMenardo;2175100; said:
This is the one time I wish Nationwide was a BIG sponsor of the Crew, so some of these things listed wouldn't be true. But as it stands now, you are absolutely right. It was just blind optimism on my part. I saw a world class defender claiming he hadn't "received any offers from the MLS", and thought that Columbus should at least extend an offer for his services.

Yeah not trying to be a downer, but culturally, there are still some obstacles for Columbus in terms of attracting Euro players compared to clubs on the coast, in Canada or in Chigago. There are a lot of world-class cities in the league that would seem to be first in line for Euro players, all other factors being equal. And then after that, there are other clubs in flyover country like Houston and KC that are lapping the field in terms of facilities.

I think that in terms of foreign players they are either going to have to unearth diamond in the rough in the mold of GBS, or they are going to have to overpay for somebody recognizable. For as hungry as we are for a new star player in Columbus, I hope they don't end up going the latter route.
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jlb1705;2175213; said:
Yeah not trying to be a downer, but culturally, there are still some obstacles for Columbus in terms of attracting Euro players compared to clubs on the coast, in Canada or in Chigago. There are a lot of world-class cities in the league that would seem to be first in line for Euro players, all other factors being equal. And then after that, there are other clubs in flyover country like Houston and KC that are lapping the field in terms of facilities.

I think that in terms of foreign players they are either going to have to unearth diamond in the rough in the mold of GBS, or they are going to have to overpay for somebody recognizable. For as hungry as we are for a new star player in Columbus, I hope they don't end up going the latter route.

We might have trouble attracting Euro players, but we've had little trouble getting really quality players from South America. I'd like to think that GBS's success with our club had a thing to do with that. We've also gotten some street cred in the Caribbean and Latin America with how we've done in the CONCACAF Champions League, which has brought us a couple of good prospects this year from Costa Rica (Vargas & Arrieta). I'm not sure what we could do to get into Europe and do better in attracting some bigger names over there, but as long as we keep focusing on and pulling really quality players out of South America, I'm pretty darn happy with that.

I'm a little worried in pulling in a big name, to be completely honest. The guys we've been taking in have been great team players, with the exception of the DP we brought in last year (can't remember his name for the life of me, but it wasn't worth remembering anyways). I'm worried that a big name would think he's bigger than the club... and there's no room for that kind of player on this team.

BTW, bump for game in about half an hour. Columbus at Montreal at 7:30 on Fox Sports Ohio.
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