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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

Crew get a HUGE win on the road in Dallas, in impressive fashion. 4-2.

Absolutely beautiful goals from Oduro, Arrieta, and Anor. Federico Higuain tallied the first goal of the game on a hip touch after his first attempt went off the keepers mitts. I want to say Higuain had a goal, and two assists tonight. Definitely an MLS MVP contender.
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Statement game tonight.

4-5 weeks ago, talk of playoffs was almost a joke. Today, Crew wins their 3rd in a row and sit in 6th place with 3 games to go... a huge home game with Sporting KC this Saturday, then a home and home with New England. 1 point from the 5th and final playoff spot, 3 points from 4th, and 5 from 3rd with three old-fashioned 6-point games against eastern conference rivals left to go. Can't believe how well Bliss has these guys playing. They're playing a lot more attractive soccer and they are a LOT of fun to watch. They're one of the hottest teams in the league and going on a Massive playoff run. If they keep playing like this, it's not going to be "if" they make the playoffs, it's going to be "which seed" are they.

We. Are. Massive.
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Statement game tonight.

4-5 weeks ago, talk of playoffs was almost a joke. Today, Crew wins their 3rd in a row and sit in 6th place with 3 games to go... a huge home game with Sporting KC this Saturday, then a home and home with New England. 1 point from the 5th and final playoff spot, 3 points from 4th, and 5 from 3rd with three old-fashioned 6-point games against eastern conference rivals left to go. Can't believe how well Bliss has these guys playing. They're playing a lot more attractive soccer and they are a LOT of fun to watch. They're one of the hottest teams in the league and going on a Massive playoff run. If they keep playing like this, it's not going to be "if" they make the playoffs, it's going to be "which seed" are they.

We. Are. Massive.

Just imagine where they'd be if they hadn't waited so damn long to sack Warzycha.
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Re: 1 point from the 5th and final playoff spot

Yeah, but the 5th place team (i.e. Philadelphia) has one more game (4 more) to play, so (potentially) it could be more than 1 point.

That's true... pretty much everyone in the league has a game in hand over Columbus. That said, there's only one or two teams hotter than Columbus is right now (Columbus has won 4 of their last 5, Philly's lost 3 of their last 5), KC is reeling right now and could get hit pretty hard with World Cup Qualifying call-ups before the game this weekend (Zusi, Besler, etc.). All we can do is take it one game at a time, try to win-out, and let the chips fall where they may.
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FINALLY! A quality signing that makes sense. That takes some of the sting out of losing Marshall. Just wish we would have gotten a lot more for Marshall and possibly have had to pay a bit less for Parkhurst, but it is what it is. Interested to see how long Parkhurst's contract will be for and for how much. Definetly a building block we desperately needed for this defense.
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Marshall was one or two head injuries away from retirement. I love what he brought to the club while he was here, but I'm glad they've parted ways. The back line is looking pretty decent for Columbus for 2014.
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Marshall was one or two head injuries away from retirement. I love what he brought to the club while he was here, but I'm glad they've parted ways. The back line is looking pretty decent for Columbus for 2014.
No arguments here. It was probably best for both parties. I just think he was worth more than a 3rd round pick, unless that allocation money that was also part of the trade was at least fairly substantial (it was never disclosed how much it was). You know Sigi really wanted him.
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