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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

Merih;2358069; said:
More likely however (given Coleman's attendance) is some sort of stadium naming rights announcement or a team rebrand. Maybe new ownership.

Coleman is probably building a biek path to the stadium from Linden, or something.
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?We have long believed in the ascension of soccer in the American sports-entertainment world, so stepping into a charter member of the league is an incredible moment,? PSV managing partner Anthony Precourt, who will serve as the chairman of the Crew, said in a statement. ?We thank the Hunt family for having the trust in us to become the Crew?s new steward. The Hunt family has done so much for MLS, and the development of the game in Ohio, and for that we thank them.?

Precourt, who is based in San Francisco, got his start as an investment banker and has been the managing partner at Precourt Capital Management since 2008, investing primarily in the energy sector. In 2012, PSV was founded in an effort to diversify the private equity firm into the sports-entertainment sector.
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Warzycha is gone after this season, that seems like it's a given with the team's performance.

Maybe the new ownership will ship out McCullers as well.

One thing I'd like to know is if the new ownership was looking at either renovating Crew Stadium or developing the area around Crew Stadium (which is quite hard given the Fairgrounds).

I don't know if MLS would let the Crew move, given the Crew house MLS' first stadium (and the historic value).

The Clark Family did a lot of things (some good/some bad) with the team.

Honestly, for me personally, I kind of wish they never built a stage at one end of the stadium, but it's done. I don't like the design.
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You have to trust that the Hunts wouldn't sell to a future owner that would move the team. With that said, Mr. Precourt is going to have to physically show that he is investing in this team to stay in Columbus and not just give lip service. If he can get the season ticket holders and supporters groups to believe in him and support him, this could be one of the best things that has ever happened to the club. If not, this could be one of the worst things that's ever happened to the club.

From the just of what I've read, sounds like rebranding and a new shield/crest/logo are on the horizon. Hate the idea of changing our shield.
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BVistahC;2358146; said:
Warzycha is gone after this season, that seems like it's a given with the team's performance.

Maybe the new ownership will ship out McCullers as well.

One thing I'd like to know is if the new ownership was looking at either renovating Crew Stadium or developing the area around Crew Stadium (which is quite hard given the Fairgrounds).

I don't know if MLS would let the Crew move, given the Crew house MLS' first stadium (and the historic value).

The Clark Family did a lot of things (some good/some bad) with the team.

Honestly, for me personally, I kind of wish they never built a stage at one end of the stadium, but it's done. I don't like the design.


This should answer some questions you may have.

Early thoughts on this guy, pretty fucking awesome. He's already suggested a pub crawl with supporter groups (not sure if good idea :lol:), he's hinted at a potential re-image of the Crest (I'm all for it), nothing else will change about the teams colors or locale. He says Columbus is here long term (which is good to hear, but I wasn't THAT worried about a possible move). He seems very eager to figure out ways in which he can improve this team's current standing, even if it means hanging on to RW until the end of the season (which will be his final few games with the Crew, IMO).

All in all. If you asked how I felt about the Crew's standing under Hunt Sports Group's ownership, well... I think you can scroll back a few posts, or a page and find out just how I feel about how HSG, the FO, and the coaching staff has handled things these last 3-4 years. One word comes to mind when thinking about HSG's handling of the Crew: Neglected.

Just always seemed like HSG's primary focus (from 2010 or so, on) was to improve FC Dallas. Enjoy HSG. It was a fun run, but it's time for change.
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TooTallMenardo;2358523; said:
Just always seemed like HSG's primary focus (from 2010 or so, on) was to improve FC Dallas. Enjoy HSG. It was a fun run, but it's time for change.

I was wondering about Lamar vs. Clark (Hunt). Just like I wonder about Jerry vs. Jim Buss and the Los Angeles Lakers.

I wonder if Lamar had more passion or what Clark's passions are and so on.

But first things first, he'll probably sell naming rights to Crew Stadium (seems to be time to do that and the norm).

Other MLS stadiums have food or otherwise (bars) within walking distance of the stadium. But in Columbus, that's probably only possible if they re-built Crew Stadium by the Arena District and it's not worth it (financially).

I haven't lived in Central Ohio for years and years, but I believe the Fairgrounds usually sit vacant for 9-10 months a year (if not more). Wish there was a way to build some stuff around Crew Stadium (there probably isn't).

I don't think the MLS would really want the first soccer-specific stadium to be left vacant and discourage others from building (expansion franchises coming up, along with Seattle, Vancouver, D.C. and Boston).

Seriously, look at the number of soccer colleges in Ohio. There are a ton. So an Ohio MLS team is a must.
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BVistahC;2358530; said:
I was wondering about Lamar vs. Clark (Hunt). Just like I wonder about Jerry vs. Jim Buss and the Los Angeles Lakers.

I wonder if Lamar had more passion or what Clark's passions are and so on.

But first things first, he'll probably sell naming rights to Crew Stadium (seems to be time to do that and the norm).

Other MLS stadiums have food or otherwise (bars) within walking distance of the stadium. But in Columbus, that's probably only possible if they re-built Crew Stadium by the Arena District and it's not worth it (financially).

I haven't lived in Central Ohio for years and years, but I believe the Fairgrounds usually sit vacant for 9-10 months a year (if not more). Wish there was a way to build some stuff around Crew Stadium (there probably isn't).

I don't think the MLS would really want the first soccer-specific stadium to be left vacant and discourage others from building (expansion franchises coming up, along with Seattle, Vancouver, D.C. and Boston).

Seriously, look at the number of soccer colleges in Ohio. There are a ton. So an Ohio MLS team is a must.

Building around Crew stadium won't happen unless that entire area goes through a facelift. I am intrigued by the $250,000 in improvements. Is the scoreboard being replaced? I'm still not a fan of the end of the field with the scoreboard, but time will tell.

Very, very intrigued by this owner, and his plans.

There's money in this squad to improve a position or two, considering they are about 5 deep with CDM's (You be the judge on Kevan, I'm more inclined to believe he will be a CDM than a CB in the long run.) Still not really sure why Viana and Sanchez we're signed if they planned on progressing Wil Trapp this year and playing Warzycha (shocker) over them. I was hugely impressed with the aggression and defensiveness of Sanchez, and I liked what I saw from Viana as well. I also like O'Rourke playing at CB.

It will be interesting to see if they plan on keeping Glauber around next season. I personally hope they do. He's like the Brazilian Chad Marshall, and that's fine with me. :lol:
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