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Columbus Crew SC (2008, 2020, 2023 MLS Champions)

It's been a banner year for the Crew so far...

  • Scoreboard caught on fire.
  • The captain is under investigation in his home country for using a fraudulent passport.
  • The FO sent out a letter "grading" season ticket holders on their performance as a fan.
  • They suck at football and Robert Warzycha is still employed.

It was just a few short years ago that we were able to say that the Crew stood apart from other Ohio pro sports teams in the way they performed on the field and treated their fans. Can't say anything of the sort anymore.

The membership score thing was the most galling. I understand that they are trying to encourage season ticket holders to take advantage of all of their benefits. It was so damn tone deaf the way they did it, and it reeks of the kind of small-time thinking that is ruining the club.

I have no faith in the Crew to turn it around in their current state. Given a choice, what kind of half-decent MLS-level player would want to put on a Crew shirt?
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jlb1705;2350795; said:
I have no faith in the Crew to turn it around in their current state. Given a choice, what kind of half-decent MLS-level player would want to put on a Crew shirt?

Feel your pain.

One way to attract players is to have an attractive style (something that probably won't happen under this regime).

Plus, the style of play seems like the management doesn't realize that relegation isn't on the table. I can understand some European squads playing for draws (parking the bus) just because they need points to avoid relegation.

Columbus cannot get relegated, therefore you might as well put forth an entertaining style or attacking style.

McCullers also needs to be called into question, in addition to Warzycha. The stadium is half-empty most games. He runs the club.

If I honestly had a wish, I'd wish for a new coach, new GM and a dedication to develop the Fairgrounds area...

...but that would involve bulldozing the Fairgrounds and that won't happen.

Something to draw people to the area. Go to other MLS stadiums and there are bars, restaurants, etc. (something Crew Stadium doesn't have).

So my wishes are kind of big (maybe Warzycha would be gone, but I don't know about McCullers). The Fairgrounds is a pipe dream.
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BVistahC;2351131; said:
The Crew are fourth from bottom after that loss too, to compound things.

And Robert Warzycha is still employed

And the Fire are now ahead of the Crew in the East

And the Crew ALLOW former Crew players have their way with them when they play...

Not exactly the greatest time to be a Crew fan.
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I swear guys, this is NOT me holding the giant Guillermo Barros Schelloto sign holding a pink slip!!!! :paranoid:


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jlb1705;2354933; said:

Where it concerns Ohio pro sports, they are giving the Browns a run for their money in the race to the bottom.

The club seems like it's not responding anymore.

But the problem is, sacking Warzycha probably isn't an endgame, but rather the first step.

I'd look to sack McCullers too, because the operation of the club isn't that great either (nor is the club/player building).
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I'll just leave that here for you. Not sure what it is. Some guesses:

New scoreboard

They will not be keeping Warzycha as coach after this season (don't see them making a spectacle of that, so I HIGHLY doubt this is the news)

Management's attempt to put an end to the "You Suck, Asshole" chant on goal kicks.

Early announcement of the third kid for next season. (What? They need SOMETHING positive to look forward to)
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