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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

Gonna mess and around and get too many points.

April schedule looks brutal but just watch.
Yep. Generational talent comes along in a year they happen to get gutted by injuries, but they'll fuck around and win a few too many games in March and April because of fucking course they will. It's a deep draft, so they will almost certainly get a really good player, but Bedard is a franchise altering guy. Fucking bums.
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Yep. Generational talent comes along in a year they happen to get gutted by injuries, but they'll fuck around and win a few too many games in March and April because of fucking course they will. It's a deep draft, so they will almost certainly get a really good player, but Bedard is a franchise altering guy. Fucking bums.

I think Fantilli will be better in the NHL and he's a natural center, which is something the CBJ desperately need.
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I think Fantilli will be better in the NHL and he's a natural center, which is something the CBJ desperately need.
Latest "tankathon" ranking:

1. Blackhawks: 54 points, 76 games, have lost 8 in row now
2. Ducks: 56 points, 77 games, have lost 8 in a row now
3. Blue Jackets: 56 points (lose tie breaker to the Ducks based on RWs), 76 games, 3-6-1 in last 10 games
4. Sharks: 59 points, 76 games, have won last 3

Blue Jackets have slid to #3 and have Matvei Michkov in the mock draft. Adam Fantilli goes #2. .....:no::
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Dumbass Blackhawks with a HUGE 2 points, on the road vs the Flames who are fighting for a playoff spot. What a gift.

This race to the bottom is going to be tight. CBJ cannot afford to get points.

As hard as the Blue Jackets and Blackhawks are tanking, the friggin Sharks are putting on a master class in the art of the suck....

EDIT: Ducks, not Sharks. I get the meaningless non-Kings teams mixed up sometimes....
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Latest "tankathon" ranking:

1. Blue Jackets: 56 points (win tiebreaker over Blackhawks based on RWs), 79 games
2. Blackhawks: 56 points, 79 games
3. Ducks: 57 points, 79 games
4. Sharks: 60 points, 76 games

With 3 games to go the Blue Jackets are in the "driver's seat". All they have to do is lose the final 3 games (i.e. at Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo) to clinch best odds at drafting #1.
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