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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

What elite franchises do.

Coming into the final week of the regular season, the Penguins appeared to be in a strong position to extend their postseason streak. Their final two games were against the Chicago Blackhawks and the Columbus Blue Jackets, two teams vying for the largest odds to land the No. 1 pick in the NHL draft lottery.

Pittsburgh sealed its fate Tuesday night with a 5-2 loss to Chicago, which ultimately paved the way for the Florida Panthers to join the New York Islanders in capturing the final wild-card places. The Penguins lost their regular-season finale Thursday to the Blue Jackets to finish 40-31-11 and one point behind the Panthers.

Both Burke and Hextall were hired by the Penguins in February 2021 after previous GM Jim Rutherford stepped down for personal reasons.

Yeah, but the fired Penguin executives weren't the people responsible for the 16 year playoff streak.
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What elite franchises do.

Yeah it's Elite until Cindy and Shrek leave.....then it'll be back to a poverty franchise that is on the brink of moving (again).
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For some reason I thought the Jackets had dropped to 4th in the Bedard sweepstakes. They’re 2nd. Pleasantly surprised, even if it’s just because I’m dumb.

Monday is a big day for the franchise regardless. Big win as long as they get a top 4 pick. So they’ll be 5th

They can’t pick any later than 4th under the current rule of not being able to drop more than 2 spots.
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