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Cleveland Indians (2019 Thread of Indifference)

Civale was very sharp today. First time ive actually got to watch him. He’s got some good movement on his pitches.

Plutko wasn’t great by any means but did the job of a 4th/5th starter type (offense didn’t help)
Civale has had 3 great starts. Given that he is the third SP they have brought up from the minors this season, I wasn't expecting that kind of repeated success. So long as he is pitching well, no need to rush Kluber back.
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Hand is so lucky to get bailed out twice in a row. Tito needs to get more creative with how he uses Hand, as he clearly is not a reliable closer at this point.

He looks spent. Gotta question Tito sending him out there tonight after how he looked yesterday. A few days off would probably do him some good
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