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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

LeBron rested intermittently during the season, and didn't they just have a stretch of only 8 games in like a month? I doubt fatigue is an issue for him at this point.

The Cavs checked out mentally last game. After the 44 point blowout they got up 20 again and slipped into cruise control. Smart got crazy hot and by the time Cleveland woke up the momentum had turned. I fully expect reality to set back in on the overmatched (and now undermanned) boys from Beantown. I'm just glad they didn't get swept.

Now if the Cavs somehow lose tonight...

Fatigue would be an issue for anyone playing almost an entire NBA game every two days. LeBron is in his 14th season and he's basically logged another 2.5 seasons in postseason play. He took a few games off this year, but he also led the league in minutes. I think it's naive to say that fatigue isn't an issue for him when we all watched him burn out against Golden State two years ago. It might not be an issue yet, but if we get to a game 6 against Golden State, it probably will be.

I don't think it's any coincidence that LeBron played as well as he did in only 38 minutes tonight.
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I'm surprised how many talking heads are saying Warriors in 4 or 5 - pretty sure they said that last year too. I think Durant will make a difference, but the Cavs have a better shot than some seem to think.

Hopefully, this is the last rematch.
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I'm surprised how many talking heads are saying Warriors in 4 or 5 - pretty sure they said that last year too. I think Durant will make a difference, but the Cavs have a better shot than some seem to think.

Hopefully, this is the last rematch.

The only way I see this being the last rematch is if Durant opts out then decides to sign someplace else. The Warriors are going to lose more of their bench, but with their big 4 and a bench full of ring chasers they should be able to make it back. In the East I don't see anyone closing on the Cavs unless Lebron hits a wall. Boston really needs to trade away IT while he has value and continue building for a couple years from now. They were a better team after IT went down. Hayward would be a good signing since he has played well against the Cavs in the past. They better hope one of these Nets picks turns into a superstar.

As far as the Finals I like the Cavs chances. If the Warriors come out like they did against the Spurs and the Cavs look like they did in games 1,2 and 5 the Cavs could steal game 1 and put the pressure on the Warriors. They are a bunch of week minded bitches with Mr Potato Head for a coach and will go in the tank if they start hearing a bunch of 3-1 talk from the media. I almost feel like Lebron played like shit in game 3 and part of game 4 to force Kyrie to step up. It was interesting that as soon as Kyrie started taking over in game 4 Lebron magically started playing better as well. Love is the best he's been in his time with the Cavs. I'll take the week of rest but bring it on.
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The only way I see this being the last rematch is if Durant opts out then decides to sign someplace else. The Warriors are going to lose more of their bench, but with their big 4 and a bench full of ring chasers they should be able to make it back. In the East I don't see anyone closing on the Cavs unless Lebron hits a wall. Boston really needs to trade away IT while he has value and continue building for a couple years from now. They were a better team after IT went down. Hayward would be a good signing since he has played well against the Cavs in the past. They better hope one of these Nets picks turns into a superstar.

As far as the Finals I like the Cavs chances. If the Warriors come out like they did against the Spurs and the Cavs look like they did in games 1,2 and 5 the Cavs could steal game 1 and put the pressure on the Warriors. They are a bunch of week minded bitches with Mr Potato Head for a coach and will go in the tank if they start hearing a bunch of 3-1 talk from the media. I almost feel like Lebron played like [Mark May] in game 3 and part of game 4 to force Kyrie to step up. It was interesting that as soon as Kyrie started taking over in game 4 Lebron magically started playing better as well. Love is the best he's been in his time with the Cavs. I'll take the week of rest but bring it on.
Thompson is gone (IMHO)... so its Durant/Curry/Green .... I'm not sure but I think all 3 (Thompson/Curry/Durant) can opt out...
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